Half-Life: Johnny Depp as Dr. Gordan Freeman.
Me if they make a Wonder Woman movie
Mine’s been done already: I can’t imagine a more brilliant casting than Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka.
Also I think Jeremy Davies would have been far superior to Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates in the remake of Psycho. (Well, actually the remake never should have happened, but if it was going to anyway.)
Nah, Edward Norton would make a perfect Gordon. He’s got the off-kilter “smart-nerdy” look down, whereas Depp is just brooding-dark “trendy-nerdy”.
William H Macy as Mr. Wormold if they’d make another film version of Our Man in Havana (although I’ve never heard him do a British accent).
John Cusack, Johnny Depp, or Vince Vaughn as reluctant superhero Jack Knight in a movie of Starman, based on the DC Comic written by James Robinson.
The Dark Tower books-Adrian Paul as Young Roland, possibly Clint Eastwood as Old Roland.
Treat Williams in the Oliver North story.
YES! Well, not the Clint Eastwood thing. I can imagine him squinting his way through the role, and it does not appeal. I can’t imagine a better actor though, so you win this round.
Anyone but Gwyneth Paltrow as Villanelle in the version of Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion that is currently in the works. She is just not a Villanelle. Irene Grazioli of The Red Violin, perhaps?
My girlfriend and I decided on Adrian Paul after we started TiVoing Highlander reruns and he pulls off so many time periods/costumes/accents in a reasonable fashion.
I agree that Eastwood is kinda unsatisfying and squinty, and it may just be the art from Wolves of the Calla and my love of Sergio Leone movies influencing me, but he looks the part and has the experience in gunfighter-type roles to pull it off, I think. There aren’t too many old guys who can pull off the aging badass gunfighter. Tom Berenger does good work in Peacemakers, but he doesn’t look old enough.
I’d cast Christopher Walken as Walter, because Walken is a god of evil. You know who else would rock? Christopher Lee.
Johnny Depp would play Eddie.