Day of the Beast

What? No one is going to drink a case of The Beast?

It’s my dog’s ninth birthday. Meet the Hound of Hell. Or Dakota, if you prefer that. She’s really more of an angel.

I can’t believe I couldn’t find a picture of her with red eyes.

:smiley: I can’t stop laughing at this.

Unfortunately, I’m scheduled to do some volunteer work tonight, so I’ll be unavailable to help the forces of evil. :frowning:

So far, it’s been a bust. I’m bummed.

I’m randomly wondering if founding a bar named Judecca would be kind of cool now, though.

We’re having Beast Loaf for dinner tonight, because I managed to go to Trader Joe’s yesterday and get kosher ground beef and ground turkey.

It’ll be nice to eat one of the cows from the Devil’s own satanic herd, which is always strewing cowpats in my life.

I’m having canned beast (lightly seasoned), evil bread, and something to drink. Although that something probably won’t be as evil as Toronto tapwater.

I shined and polished my horns then tried to be really, really, evil for a minute. I taunted some living leaf lettuce by questioning its nutritional value, “You are 90% water! Where’s your goodness? Even your cousin spinach has a healthy amount of iron!”. I then dissected it and wilted it with hot bacon grease, only to devour it minutes later. GREEN HELL! PUREEVIL!

Reconditioned souls. Financing available! Hell is full and Satan doesn’t need them anymore!

ivylass where do you think we get the souls we are selling? From our very own sales force of course. I have to sell my reconditioned one to get out of this job.

:dubious: Why *kill *them?

I spent three hours at a town meeting… FROM HELL!

Actually, it wasn’t that bad. I do wish it hadn’t been so long. Mostly I’m glad that the day is almost over, since the news and pop culture garbage about the EEEEVIL significance of the day was so annoying. I’m glad they didn’t know that the ‘real’ date was 6/1/06.

Well; Issue 7 of City of Heros/Villains came out on 6/6/06, and I spent my free time running around and beating people up as a 7 foot supervillain with horns, claws and scales. Funny thing is, it wasn’t even an attempt to be in theme with the day; it just came naturally.

I think god is trying to tell you something.

This is the kind of stuff that makes me want to take up hard drinking.

The story quotes one mother as saying, “I don’t want her to have that stigma for the rest of her life. When she gets older, her friends would say that anything bad would be because of her birthdate.”
Yeah, sure they would, lady. If they’re as superstitious and dumb as you are. Your kid will probably complain someday that you denied her a memorable and cool birthdate.

Oh- I should probably mention here that my first, middle and last names each have six letters. I think that’s my strongest source of temptation not to change my name. :stuck_out_tongue:

God, or the other guy ? :smiley:

In truth, yesterday was not 666, but the 6th month, the 6th day, and the 2006th year, there will be another so called 666 3006.The only true 666 was as was stated before 2000 years ago.


You have a more creative suggestion? :wink: :smiley:

On the other side, Chinese believe the number “6” is lucky and would love to have a child born that day. My wife, who is from PRC, is certain that there were Chinese couples deliberately scheduling inductions/C-sections for that day.

Oh, we got our dog fixed on 6/6/06. So I guess for him, it was a bad day.

You mean there’s a difference?

One likes harp music, the other rock and roll. One’s a prude, the other is in charge of sin ( Devil : “Evil ? I’m not in charge of evil; I’m in charge of sin. It was God who invented the bra, you know.” ). One has a domain full of prudes, Jehovah Witness, Crusaders, Inquisitors, and Moral Majorityites; the other has a domain full of musicians, rebels, scientists, and just about everyone else interesting.