It’s an HBO series, and the second season starts tonight (Sunday). I’ve been seeing trailers on commercial stations – looks to me like this might replace The Sopranos as HBO’s signature series.
Actually, this is the second good thing that happened today. The other is news that George R. R. Martin’s next book in the Song of Ice and Fire series has actually been delivered to his publisher and will be released in July.
I guess these two cultural events will slake my thirst for violence for a looooooong time.
I just finished watching all of season one on DVD. Now I face a moral dilemma. I don’t have HBO. If I order now I should be ready for tonight’s premiere. Is it completely extravagant to pay $12 a month for one show once a week? My wife and I are of differing opinions, but my I am having to exhibit some serious restraint to keep from calling Direct TV today.
I’ll have you know that, at least for the next four weeks, you will be getting both Deadwood and Carnivale on Sunday nights. That’s only $1.50 per show! Order now!
Any show that features Powers Boothe and Brad Dourif has my attention. I wouldn’t kick Timothy Olyphant outta bed, either.
I guess I am just a horny old lady, but I am hoping for lots of male nudity in this season. Since the show centers on a whorehouse, that’s not too much to ask, is it?
I bought an HDTV cable box last week specifically to watch Deadwood in HD. It’s going to be fantastic!
The box also has a digital recorder in it, and this week our Movie Central channel that shows Deadwood repeated the last season every night. So I recorded them all and I’ve watched about half again. What a great show. I’m psyched.