Just saw the Carnivale Season Two Trailer

and it looks, in a word, awesome ! :smiley:

I wasn’t a Doper the last time this was on - is there Doper interest? Can we look forward to a good *Carnivale *thread, a la Lost?

There wasn’t a whole lot of interest the first time around but I enjoyed it and plan to watch Season 2. Maybe some folks saw the repeats and jumped on the bandwagon.


Just checking in to say that I’m a fellow Carnivale fan and I’ll be watching Season 2. Looking forward to discussing it with you guys.

What the heck, I’ll pipe in. Haven’t watched the trailer but I’m looking forward to season 2. I think there was one thread about the show last year which I neglected to post in.

The show has some neat little hidden powers and motives. Can’t wait to see how it plays out.

I watched the first season all at once over about a week. (I downloaded it.) I thought it started out brilliantly, sagged in the middle (which is why I, and probably a lot of people, lost interest partway through the first time), and then got even better by the end.

Can’t wait for season 2.

I watched it too, mostly because of the way it looked. The production designers and costume people did a spectacular job.

I didn’t connect with the Carnivale story and characters as much as I’d hoped, and I haven’t bothered to watch the first season repeats. Maybe there’s too much going on in Carnivale. Just when I’d get focused on one plot line, up pops another one.

I’ll be watching the second season though.

There were threads on almost every ep. I know because I started many of them. They seemed to be evenly divided between people who thought the show was the most hideously boring piece of crap ever and people who thought it was genius. I imagine that will continue for season 2.

I love this show so much that it’s the only real reason I kept my cable turned on. My only regret about going to Italy is that I’m going to miss the S2 premiere.

fear not pepperlandgirl, HBO will surely have it on On Demand or re-air it the following week.

I am a relatively new fan but super exicted about season 2. I just love how bizarre and unique the show is.

Anyone picking up the DVD set?

I’ve been watching reruns of season 1. Still just as weird as ever, so I’m sure I’ll be watching season 2.

Too bad the broadcast stations aren’t as good about reruns as HBO - I didn’t miss one Carnivale due to rebroadcasts, but I miss plenty of my other favorite shows and never get to see them. Hear that, CBS?

Oh come on. Like anyone’s favorite shows are on CBS.

I have seen a short piece of one episode, but it is not broadcast in the Netherlands (yet), only in Belgium.
I have missed almost all episodes, so decided to wait.
I thought of buying it on DVD, but it is absurdly over-priced.
From what I have seen, I got a very distinct Twin Peaks vibe.
Can anyone tell me if story-lines get resolved or is it like most shows that things are left in the air until the show gets cancelled.

Didn’t CBS do Century City? Because if they did, one of mine was - for the four weeks before they axed it, anyway.

I don’t think HBO has ever abruptly cancelled a series, leaving viewers hanging, but I haven’t watched every one of their series, so I could be wrong.

I watched it, but I’ll be damned if I can tell you one solid fact about the plot. I think I only understood about 25% of what was going on at any given time.

You don’t have to worry about the show being cancelled. The president of programming stated very plainly that the show will continue until the story is completely finished.

The weird thing is that HBO orders a season of a new show, and it gets filmed before the first episode airs. Now the producers will film the “final” episode before they necessarily know the show will get picked up for another season. So that could be the show’s Finale. But is seems with Carnivale and Deadwood, the Season 1 final episodes left a LOT of unanswered questions. What the hell is the relationship between Ben and Brother Crowe??? And what’s the deal with management? And what’s with that damn bear???

I guess that the producers always work on the assumption that the shows will continue, rather than wrap everything up nicely after one season. But I really hate waiting on HBO to get the shows back on the air so I can maybe start to figure stuff out.

And don’t even get me started on the breaks between the Sopranos seasons!

I don’t know about Carnivale, but HBO announced that Deadwood would have a second season right after the first or second episode was aired. Like PLG said, HBO commits to its projects. Good thing that they don’t keep us in suspense, because if viewers didn’t know they’d get the full story (or at least an ending), they probably wouldn’t invest the time.

Wasn’t it ABC that dropped a King series a few years back? Golden Years, or something like that. Dropped the story in the middle of plot development. Jerks.

Also looking forward to Season 2. Anyone know the exact start date in January?

January 9.