Dear Bernie supporters

I know there is some talk about Biden withdrawing. It seems this has filled some of you with glee, and you are starting up the attacks on Biden again.

Well, I understand. Hope springs eternal.

First of all, the chance of Biden withdrawing with those great polling numbers is slight. Of course, that could change.

But next and more importantly- **Sanders will not be the Nominee if Biden does withdraw. **

No chance. None. Zip. Nada. Wont happen.

That’s not how the Nomination process works. Biden will choose- assisted by Party Leaders- who his delegates will vote for. *That will not be Sanders. * Sorry.:frowning: It will be a moderate.

So, your ceaseless attacks on Biden will only help Trump. In no way will Sanders be the Nominee. Sanders himself has backed Biden and isnt hoping for a renewal.

It is just possible that Warren will be Veep, if that is any consolation.

Maybe, but I’m not convinced.

Trump is going to try to convince elderly Pennsylvania Republicans to risk their lives at the polling place to stop a dangerous socialist. If they find out that actual socialists don’t like Joe, weak Trumpers may stay home.

Cite for withdrawal?

Who said Biden is withdrawing? Or even remotely thinking about it?

I’d think it would take something smoking gun dramatic of him doing something awful to even start thinking about it.

But I cannot see the Democratic Party choosing the candidate to replace Biden in a back room deal working well for them. Someone literally no one voted for and the Dems just deemed to be the anointed one. Maybe they are so afraid of Sanders they would sooner leave Trump in office. If so that would say a lot about them and none of it any good.

Still, there is no way Biden is stepping down short of a full-blown calamity of epic proportions in his campaign.

Google “Should Biden withdraw?” and you will find several wingnuts suggesting it.

I agree that chance of him stepping down is extremely slim.

But even if he does- Sanders will not get the nod. Period.

Biden will not withdraw.

Ah…well…the wingnuts… :rolleyes:

I think I’m well known as one of the number one Bernie haters on here. There’s a small fringe of never say die Bernie supporters who think Joe will be driven from the race because of Reade, ‘dementia’ or some bolt from the blue. And, of course, Bernie will be the one to swoop in and claim the nomination. There’s also a small fringe who just likes to stir shit up for the sake of stirring shit up. Both groups tend to be very loud and heavily over represented on social media.

Every 4 years we play the what if game about a candidate withdrawing. To me, it’s kinda pointless. Each race is different.

The Reade shit has basically disappeared off of social media except for even more weird stuff from her background. It has no legs. Same with the dementia nonsense. Yeah, Biden’s gonna gaffe and no one will be studying his speeches 100 years from now.

Once Biden announces his running mate, the media and Twitter will quit refighting the primaries by proxy over the VP and this idiocy will end.

I like and support Bernie, but his support seems to max out at 30-40% of democratic primary voters.

The moderate vote was split between Klobuchar, Buttigieg and Biden. When the first two dropped out, their voters went to Biden. But if Biden and Buttigieg had dropped out instead, I’m guessing Klobuchar would be the nominee now.

I don’t think Sanders supporters are secretly hoping Biden drops out and Sanders gets the nomination. As it stands, 80% of Sanders supporters said they are going to support Biden. Thats near the 87% of Democrats in general, theres really not a huge group of Sanders supporters who are holding out on voting for Biden at this point.

I’m not sure why everything is our fault as Sanders supporters. You guys act like Sanders supporters are these scorched earth all or nothing fanatics. most of us just want the democrats to move further to the left but we know that a slightly leftist president is vastly superior to a far right president. I have no idea if Biden actually attacked Reade (Reades story keeps changing, and I would not only like an investigation into her accusations, but also into whether she has ties to right wing or Russian organizations pushing this claim).

There is a risk that Bidens accusations could drive away some voters, especially college educated white women who have become swing voters. In the last decade or so college educated white women have gone from roughly split between the parties to almost 2:1 in favor of hte democrats as the GOP becomes more and more racist, authoritarian and openly sexist.

If there are serious risks that Bidens accusations could hold him back, there need to be discussions on replacing him. But I’m sure he’d be replaced with another moderate, which is fine.

They are laying the groundwork to blame anyone and anything else in case the unthinkable happens again and Biden loses to Trump.

It simply cannot be that their candidate sucked.

You’ll note Biden/Clinton supporters almost never talk about how their candidate is good but will talk endlessly about how their opponents are bad (really, once you are aware of that it is hard to miss).

Remind you of anyone?

There’s a small minority of Sanders supporters that are scorched earth. They’re a small minority that punches way above their weight on social media. There’s a larger number of Sanders supporters that will vote Biden in a swing state and loudly proclaim about the nose clips they’re wearing.

And yes, the Reade accusations are losing steam quickly. And, as far as I can tell, they are getting no play on mainstream media, especially since the Morning Joe appearance last week. My guess is that it’s The Intercept along with Briahna and Sirota gettting spoon fed what they want to hear and the Russians don’t mind helping. With Reade’s financial situation seeming to be a mess since she’s been an adult, that certainly leaves an opening.

I wonder if some Bernie supporters are laying the groundwork to gloat again as the revolution will be set back much more should Trump win? Amazing that Biden and Clinton are such awful candidates and yet still managed to kick Bernie’s socialist ass from here to Kingdom Come.

There you go again…someone else’s fault. If they kicked Sanders’ ass from here to kingdom come then Sanders really should have had no effect whatsoever on the general election…right?

Your candidate just sucked so bad she lost to the worst candidate in history.

Good job.

Well—yeah, back in the 1950’s, that’s the way the nomination process worked. Primary elections were unimportant (and mostly non-existent) so the Party Leaders in smoke-filled rooms picked the candidate, with secret deals made in private.
But most of the people alive today have no memories of those days, and have only lived with open, public primaries where, ya know, votes count. Like in a democracy.

Bernie won almost as many votes as Biden, and infinitely more votes than anybody else.
It would be pretty embarrassing for a party called “democrats” to refuse to use the democratic process.

It is not impossible that Biden could get coronavirus–lots of public figures already have.He might have to withdraw from the race.
And if that happens before (or even after) the convention, it would be difficult for Butteigeig or anybody else to claim legitimacy as the party leader when they won zero delegates versus Bernie’s 950.

My candidate lost the 2020 primary, I’m still voting for the Democratic nominee. I’d be voting for the Democratic nominee even if it was Mr fuckface finger waggle himself.

Cite that Bernie won almost as many votes as Biden, please.

Nice of you to wish corona on someone to get Bernie as the nominee. Tells me all I need to know about Bernie a Sanders and his supporters

huh?–Biden has 1459 delegates, Bernie has 984, everybody else is close to zero.
Sure, 1459 is more than 984–but, as I said, it is infinitely more than anybody else.

I personally hate Bernie with a passion. *
But I am realistic, and recognize that Biden could drop out due to health reasons. and if that happens, I’m torn—We are supposed to support the democratic process…And the democratic process so far has given Bernie a real legitimacy.

*[off-topic rant:]His medical reform is great…and America needs it. But everything else about Sanders terrifies me.Mostly the people he associates with- the woke left, such as Linda Sarsour. Trump brought the worst of the alt-right into the public realm, and Bernie would do the same with the alt-left… The fanatic snowflakes on college campuses -whom Fox News loves to scream about unnecessarily, would move from the fringe to the mainstream.We’d be facing a new McCarthyism, looking for racists hiding under our beds.There would be blacklists, cancel culture, etc . and it would be supported by formal institutions such as universities, not just gangs of tiki-torch carrying idiots with no real power. [/end of rant–and let’s not hijack this thread, okay? I’m just saying that even a non-supporter of Bernie like me can see a way that Bernie will be the candidate instead of Biden]

If the leading candidate ever resigned at this stage, the resulting mess would throw the Dems in complete disarray, so much so that the psycho Trump would assuredly win. In such a disastrous scenario even if the entire democratic establishment, with zero dissension, threw their support for the next popular candidate there would be enough voters questioning the process’s legitimacy that the in-fighting would destroy all competitive chances in November.

That is, unless Trump decides to top the craziness and nuke California or something.

Please :rolleyes:, chappachula didn’t “wish” Coronavirus on anyone. He was just speculating about what the DNC ought to do if Biden caught it - which is hardly a remote possibility. You, on the other hand, would be positively effervescent if “Shitbag Sanders” got COVID, and everyone here knows it.

Incidentally, the myth that Sanders supporters are somehow more abusive than supporters of Biden, Warren, or anyone else is just that; a myth.

A family of six votes on where to spend their Saturday. Two vote to go to an art museum, one to the Appleby Waterpark, one to the Beaurevoir Waterpark, one to Channing Waterpark and one to Dalyrymple Waterpark. They have only one station wagon so all will go to the same place.

Question 1: The vote is 2-1-1-1-1. Does “democracy” require that they go to the art museum, the option with two votes?

Instead of going to the art museum, they negotiate for a while. Finally, the waterpark fans all settle on the Appleby Waterpark. But a phone call reveals that that Waterpark is closed for repairs.

Question 2: The final vote was 2-4-0-0-0. Does “democracy” require that they go to the art museum, the second-highest vote-getter? Or should the waterpark fans be given a chance to settle on an alternate waterpark?

I don’t think these questions are difficult. I am boggled by the idea that Sanders should automatically be the nominee if Biden drops out. My complaints are NOT dependent on whether I want Sanders to be the nominee or not. I’m just a fan of ordinary democracy and ordinary arithmetic.

I’ve no idea what the present-day rules for the Democratic National Convention are; but during the Rational Era, delegates would vote based on their conscience and hopes for the campaign and the future. These delegates were selected by Democratic voters in primaries and caucuses; and exercised their power as representatives by making majority-vote decisions. Is this approach to “democracy” now too old-fashioned?