If the democratic convention becomes the mess it could be and if say Hillary looks vulnerable, could Joe Biden be drafted as the nominee? I’ve read where he said he regrets not running.
Very unlikely. If Hillary is indicted Bernie will get the nomination. Most Hillary supporters like Bernie okay.
Should? Sure. I like Biden a whole lot more than either Clinton or Sanders, and I suspect (though I haven’t seen polling) that he would do better in the general election.
Will? No way. It’s Clinton, for better or worse.
I have wanted Joe to be president, well, not nearly as long as he has, but nearly as long as he could be, but I respect his decision. Try it next life, Joe. My next self will vote for you.
Biden will be kicking himself for the rest of his life. And I share his regret.
you mean the guy who said “abortion is always wrong”, voted for Bush’s late term ban, and was opposed to getting OBL (it was Hillary who insisted to Obama to get him)? Or who used the anti-Semitic term “shylock?” No thanks!
Note: Biden said that he personally believes abortion was wrong. That does not mean he feels he has the right to restrict access to it. There are plenty of people who are anti-abortion and pro-choice. Also, in what context did he use the term “shylock”?
There’s also the fact that Biden himself has repeatedly stated he has no interest in running.
Seems like a great idea. Ignore the will of millions who voted for her (not to mention, worked on, and donated to her campaign). Snatch the nomination away from the first major party female nominee for president, and hand it over to a man who didn’t even run. Should go over well.
Considering you are the fellow who is more transphobic then Donald TRUMP and constantly talking of how Obama is a crypto-Moslem traitor, that’s a YUGE endorsement for Biden.
He was describing Catholic doctrine. His own views on abortion are much more nuanced.
The OP is presumably working on the assumption that Hillary would sensibly realise her position is untenable and voluntarily withdraw her candidature for president.
I wish he had run, and if he had, he would have stood a good chance of winning.
But he didn’t, and that’s the end of the story.
Have things changed much since last week?
Why? Mrs. Clinton is going to be our next President.
She IMHO will be convinced to claim “health issues” have forced her to resign from her campaign and Joe and Elizabeth will be brought in at the convention.
I just hope he learns to keep his creepy hands off of other men’s wife’s and kids.
Not to mention keeping his creepy foot out of his mouth.
The Democratic Party would have to be in a mess of epic proportions before it came to that, so it’s possible. The thing is, just about anybody could beat Trump as things look right now. Things are going to change, but Trump as he is perceived now is not going to increase the number of people who vote for him between now and November. As long as his Democratic opponent doesn’t screw up badly they’ll win.
Coming back to reality, Hillary will be the candidate, the Democratic Party will unite, only events beyond the control of two major candidates will change anything, and Hillary Clinton will be the next president. If Trump can change that somehow then maybe he should be president.
It’s weird. I like Biden very much and would be happy with him as president…but I don’t get this “Of course he’d win!” stuff. As you say, he didn’t win the two times he tried. More than that, he didn’t run this time around, and in politics, when you’re not in the limelight, no one looks at–or for–your warts. Everybody loves a non-candidate–and it’s easy to do that because no one is spending time tearing you down.
If Biden had entered the race, and if he were the frontrunner for the Dem nomination and Sanders and Trump were leveling blasts at him 24/7, we’d have people wondering why this liar/plagiarist/victim-of-foot-in-mouth disease was even running, and we’d be wondering if there might be some savior of the party lurking in the wings.
This is not really pertinent to the discussion. Stick to the topic and leave personal comments out of this forum.
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