Selection of the new Democratic Presidential Ticket

From the preceding thread:

I am all in on Harris and think she will and should be the nominee. Note that Biden gives her a prominent shout-out in his parting message.

By the way, with Harris, I think we are about to fucking destroy the fascists. I personally plan on working toward that end.


With Joe Biden withdrawing from consideration for reelection, it’s now showtime for the Dems and for those advocating his “passing the torch” to deliver on who is it hat will be replacing him. So, who’s it going to be and how are we going to get there?

From a fundraising perspective VP Harris has the advantage since she can “inherit” a large part of not all of the funds collected for the Biden-Harris ticket.

“May you live in interesting times” indeed. And let’s wish for the best, but remember, it’s the Democratic Party, we’re experts at blowing it.

I was too late. Let’s close this one.


I just combined both threads into this one. Let’s leave it as is.

I have to believe that the Republicans are feeling a bit queasy about this.

They were locked in so hard - and feeling (rightly) so confident - on the prospect of trouncing Biden.

This is a new rodeo.


I commented months ago in another thread that Harris was sounding very presidential in her speeches of late. No smirking, no wise-ass remarks, just someone who sounded firmly grounded in policy and governance. It may have been a bit of “what if” insurance to get her in the public eye as a leader rather than an appendage. She would nail the minority and women’s vote more firmly, plus she’s 20 years younger than either of the currant candidates and would appeal more to younger voters.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan says she will not be running for president with Biden out.

So not her. That’s good. Let’s see who else puts out a similar statement to push this cleanly towards Harris and not give the delegates many realistic options.

I think Harris will do a better job of delivering the message of Biden’s successes, and taking co-credit. Here’s what she needs to hammer EVERY DAY in very high energy:
-Extraordinarily low unemployment
-Energy independence: US is both the largest producer of oil in the world, but also a net exporter AND a major exporter of LNG (This race is not one to make about green policy)
-Markets at new records (you and I know the President doesn’t make this happen, but Trump doesn’t)
-Wages now increasing faster than inflation
-GDP growth that is the envy of the industrialized world
-Not only did they keep Trump’s China tariffs, they added new rounds of sanctions.

I’ve come around to the idea that it has to be Harris, even though she wouldn’t be my first choice.

Process questions.

Biden’s delegates are released.

What is required to have your name up for consideration at the convention be it in person or virtual (and I suspect it will be virtual on a hurry up time line)?

Will anyone other than Harris put their name up at this point or, given the circumstances will all either recognize the need to circle wagons NOW or at least the political suicide it would be to not be part of the show?

My WAG is all other major names endorse Harris within 48 hours. No one else meets criteria to even get nominated. Virtual nomination and that convention celebrating Joe, introduced many to the great story of Harris, and presenting a vision for the future that contrasts to Project 2025.

I hope so. But after watching how Hillary Clinton coming close to winning energized the misogynists into electing a proud “pussy grabber” I fear that her gender by itself may make her less electable than Biden. (Note, this is one time I hope to be proven wrong)

Chair of the FEC just posted this:

11 C.F.R. § 110.1(b)(3):

“If the candidate is not a candidate in the general election, all contributions made for the general election shall be either returned or refunded to the contributors or redesignated …, or reattributed …, as appropriate.”

Politics of him posting that aside, it means Harris might not get Biden’s campaign money. Certainly a signal for R’s to challenge it in some way.

I expect a lot of (BS) challenges by R’s. Muck it up as much as they can.

Late: House Speaker Mike Johnson says if Democrats replace Biden at this late stage, Republicans will file lawsuits challenging ballot access in every state. (per Politico)

Biden has passed the torch to Harris and the majority of delegates are already assigned to a ticket that includes her. There isn’t time to fuck around fighting over an alternative. It’s time for all the Dems who wanted Biden off the ticket to take the win and get behind Harris.

Sure there is. The convention is in a month. Plenty of time for some campaigning to go into an open convention. I for one am not going to just default to Harris, not that my opinion matters a whit.

Who else do you think will put their names up?

A couple things: this only applies to the Biden/Harris Presidential Campaign account – not to funding held by the DNC or Biden-aligned PACs, who are free to redirect their spending however they like.

The informed commentary I’ve seen opines that Harris would be able to take over the Presidential campaign account because her name is as much on it as Biden’s. But it is unprecedented, and I’m sure it’ll end up in court. If for any reason she couldn’t, Biden’s campaign could refund the money to donors with the request that they contribute to her campaign or transfer an unlimited amount to the DNC, which could then spend the money supporting Harris.

And that’s a problem. In order to win, we need to united behind a single person. I am very concerned if we get to the convention and it is in any way contentious.

Divided conventions do not go well. This was the main reason I was not all gung ho on losing Biden. It did not seem like anyone had an actual plan to replace him. I am hoping we get one together very, very quickly.

Nobody serious. There might be a Dino that the GOP can bribe into running so they can get a narrative about rigged election (like what was done wrt Bernie in 2016), but that’s it.

Biden then immediately endorsed Harris:

My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.

Thanks, that’s good to know.

The FEC chair was appointed by Trump. To me, it’s clearly a signal to R’s to have at it.

Separately, I would add it’s still very important to prove Biden is mentally fit to be President right now. Those critiques will only be amplified now.