Dear Bitch who finishes my sentences:

scrollsaw?, like the kind you would use to…

get into hard to reach…

tight cavities where the best tool would be…

toothbrush for…

dislodging great big pieces of…


The obvious thing to do is to say something completely different to what she says every time she does it. Eventually she’ll get the point. Plus, it’ll lead to some darned entertaining sentences.

Mmmmmm…sausalito burritos…

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to…

lick some ba…

…d cheese?

sheese don’t you people ever learn how to fu

Tibs, is your friend with the big boobs a bisexual who drives up to Madison on occasion?

You know, if you keep her mouth full, she won’t bother you in this fashion. :slight_smile:

…cadge the Girl Scout Thins Mints outta yer freezer!
Right?! Right?! (Huh, huh, blink, blink) Oh. Okay. So what you were really trying to say was that she would…

[sub]We’re HERE for you, honestly. We just take unholy glee in filling in the details.[/sub]



And now, Ladies and Gentlemen! I am proud to introduce,

The Sausalito Burritos!

I picture some kind of californian salsa band…

age for those messy wou…

would-be presidential cand…

candida infection contracted from a skanky pros…

Do I see the makings of an excellent MPSIMS game here?

…skater ya know, like Tanya Hard…

hardly surprising, giving his penchant for mind-altering drugs like her…

man T. Zwiebel’s All-Purpose Elixir and cleaning fluid, guaranteed to re…

herpes juice which can obviously cause severe hal…

l monitors to forget what they were looking for when you pass th…