Dear Bitch who finishes my sentences:

…rough to the other side, like on John Ed…

…ucating your bountiful friend would be a fan…


Monsters. All of you.

Heh. But, I admit, it is making me gig…

antically horny? and read…

…ue in a most amused manner to see all of you mock …

…tails with my Sausalito Burrito? No, thanks! I prefer se…

…x with my…

stery science theater 3K castmembers, while watching nat…

atorium wrestling, where the guy with the bi…

furcated lip messily eats cheese pi…

pie, which you should bring when you com…

Of course, the…

the…the counterpart to this is…

it’s the, the person who just…

can’t get to the…

**I WAS GOING TO SAY ‘POINT’! Why do you ALWAYS finish…**I mean, every time I…

…I start a sentence and you…

And also don’t forget the people who keep talking and talking and talking and eventually, after saying at least three things you’d like to counter/comment on, and bringing in extraneous subjects and maybe even wandering back to the point, reach what appears to be a natural stopping point…

…pause long enough for you to get three words out…

…and continue barrelling on, rolling ponderously over subject after subject and not noticing that you’re either sitting there with steam coming out of your ears, or have simply walked away.