First, I couldn’t decide if this should go into IMHO or the pit, but since I sprinkled it with some low class language I think it should go here.
So, the news I’m getting here is sad. I have a friend in Iraq, I worry that one day the news will be about him.
This story here tells how another one of our soldiers was picked off yesterday, (guarding a museum of all things) and 16 others were hurt in a mortar attack. SO WHAT IN THE FUCK WERE WE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THERE AGAIN? Oh yeah, making the world safe for democracy, wasn’t that it? Oh, sorry – Uh, Making the world safe for cheap oil sales? Naah - Weapons of mass destruction, that was it, yeah…sure. I’m so sick of this shit. THE ASSHOLE PRESIDENT LIED! And it’s not the first time! How did he get “elected”? It certainly wasn’t because of his charm or outstanding political prowess. Does anyone out there have any * idea * what the Iraqi people are thinking right now? By our standards their form of life sucked dry rocks, but did they ask for our help? NO! (At least not that I know of). Now the lying sack of shit we call the commander in chief (and the press) expects us to swallow the idea that it is NOT the Iraqi people taking out our soldiers one by one, its the left over hard liners, and foreign fighters. Well I’m thinking BULLSHIT! It’s the people, they don’t want us there! And the big question is how the hell is Mr. Bush going to mop up the mess he made before the American people vote his sorry ass out? Oh, I forgot, the people wont be able to vote him out, he will probably fix that too.
What blows me away is the ability of the pro-war crowd to smoothly change their arguments as if their previous ones had never existed.
“Saddam has WMDs and will attack the U.S. and/or its allies if we don’t strike first.”
“The Iraqi people are suffering and we can not sit by another day until we liberate them from oppression. They will welcome us, and we will work together to create democracy, which will spread throughout the Middle East.”
which became
“They haven’t wounded or killed that many American soldiers. Can’t break an omelette without breaking eggs, you know. Who ever said this was going to be easy?”
FYI, it’s guerilla or guerrilla not gorilla. Gorilla war is for The Planet of the Apes.
While it certainly will be long and drawn out occupation of Iraq, and we are currently engaged in a guerilla war, I’m not certain that the guerilla war will be long and drawn out. If a satisfying degree of stability, (jobs, electricity, water, police, other civil services in general), can be achieved in Iraq in the not too distant future, the incentive to go guerilla will be much diminished. Right now there is still the potential for this stability to be achieved in a timely manner. As time goes on and people are living in inhospitable conditions, (Americans and Iraqis), the likelihood that violence will propagate increases.
I haven’t given up hope of things getting better soon enough yet.
This should be the subject of a whole other rant, but why the fuck is it important to correct Janx’s spelling? Just make your point using the correct spelling, letting the “correction” sink in by “osmosis” (or not) – I am sure you will find this solution to be satisfactory. Giraffe, Read_Neck, I read the OP, thanks for asking.
Thanks for the defense, I think you explained what I was trying to say better then I ever could have.
** Giraffe ** wrote:
Man, would that I could articulate things so clearly. I have been trying to figure out a way to say this since the whole “conflict” started, but It always comes out as a lame “Bu…Bu…But…HE LIDE AGAIN!
** SimonX ** wrote:
Oh, well that just changes *everything *. Here I thought we were going to be sitting around throwing bananas at each other. Thanks for the tip though.
I only mentioned it because you seemed to be offended by Bryan Elkers use of the phrase, when in fact it was just a reference to the OP’s own joke about why the rant belonged in the Pit, i.e. he wasn’t calling the language “low class” out of the blue, which would have been pretty rude.
There’s nothing wrong with the excellent method that you suggest using. At the moment though, I felt that if I didn’t correct it nicely, someone would come along soon and correct it harshly.
And right you are, I would have ignored the usage and just gone on using the wrong word. There can be (as you well know) some real anal pin heads around who * insist *on perfect spelling. I think you were rather civilized. [Ya know, I almost wrote prefect spelling, that would have pissed 'em off!]