Dear Pancho: (My sick, sick, sick right kidney) Let's talk!

How does he come up with these things?

Best wishes Beck. I’ll keep you in my thoughts. Ta-ta to Pancho.

Pancho is lucky you let him stick around as long as you did. Sending healing recovery vibes your way!!

Of, course I’m not sleeping.

Big Sister brought a case of Pearl Light from Austin (the girl’s a sicko). I think she drank most of it.
She’s up in the hall bath. She’s not having a spa morning. More like hugging a little porcelain. :smack:
How was I born into this family.

I hear one of Mid-daughters Chihuahuas roaming around. They are supposed to be crated. That lil’shit better not shit!

Big Wrek is snoring like a freight train.

At least I won’t be late to the hospital.
I’ll need the rest.

Good luck from Denmark.
I’m expecting good news in 24 hours.

have her call or text me. number’s in your pm.

it’s faster and i won’t need to be bouncing around the sdmb.

i’m boycotting my shift key this hour.

Leave Amazon active. For all we know, Bekker’s Orange Menace really NEEDS those chrome spinner rims!

I’d send you the anesthesiologist from my last surgery, if I could. I closed my eyes in the operating room, and then woke up as gently as if I were waking up in my own bed at home!

And I uttered those immortal words: “Oh. It’s over?”

May your surgical snooze be just as pleasant! Afterwards, remember THIS phrase, “I WANT MORPHINE!”

Following my surgery, there was a really cool nuse who drove the drug cart from patient to patient. He’d key info into the computer and then the correct drawer would unlock. I called him “The Candy Man.”

He liked that name.

Safe adventure, Bekkers, Dear. Know that we love you.

(Pancho, you shit! Your reign of horror is so over! May you roast eternally in the depths of Hell!)

Update: "I’m in the hospital now. Starving, Had a MRI. They took the insulin pump off and I had a glucose alarm. All’s well. I got to eat sugar cubes.

“My Sister’s here.”

Thinking good thoughts for the Beck and Pancho’s eviction!!!

Good luck, Beck. Hope it goes as smoothly as possible.

Best of luck m’dear!

**My first installment: or Beckdawrek being bad, bad, bad on the surgical wing…
Bright and early me and 3 hung-over individuals and the lil’wrekker arrive at Hospital admit.
We are promptly all given face masks. Concerning.
I’m adored with an arm band and lanyard card. The lovely (I’m sure) lady put these items on my personage was sniffing and coughing. Why does she not avail herself of one from the huge box sitting in the corner.
Concerning, again.
There’s giant bottles of germX everywhere. I squirt at every oppotunity. I feel, at least sanitized.
Big Wrek is grumbly and peckish. I sent him and Big Sister to eat breakfast. The lil’wrekker stays with me. Son-of-a-wrek is physically here. He’s actually sleepwalking, I think. He wants no part of breakfast food.
I could use a bite of something.
Concerning. My glucose is low.
I’m put in the surgical.wing. IVs are attached.
I’m alone in the room. It’s very blue. Like REALLY blue. It almost glows. Nope. I don’t like it.
A nice window. All I see is sky. It too, is blue.
Wow. Concerning.
There is something on the window sill. Awww. It’s a little pigeon. I think lil’Pie, has followed me to the Surgical wing.
Breakfast service has started. Smells kinda bad and good at the same time. I definitely smell bacon. A tray is brought in my room, and WTH? Another tray is brought in. I asked why. The CNA has no English.
Heck, whatev, I drink the Apple juice. I looked again at my Lanyard card, big red letters: FASTING .
The family all comes in and the vultures eat off both trays. Nothing left but a triangle of toast the lil’wrekker dropped on the floor.
My nurse comes in.
Let me describe him; White guy. 300lbs or so. Very tall. A definite John Candy vibe. Pleasant. Since he brought Valium as per ~VOW he’s now the Candy-man. He thought that was real cute. :smiley:
Ok…he doesn’t believe my Family of Vultures ate two breakfast trays. The jerks wouldn’t back me up convincingly. Jerks! The lot!
They think they’re funny.
Well…since Valium and other drugs have been applied. I have to sleep…
:::more later:::

Dbl post

Go, Beck! Crossed paws here that everything’s boring and you recover uneventfully!

I just did a major forehead slap!

#1) Fasting, and you get two breakfast trays? Seems like LAST time you were hospitalized, you were fasting and the ijits brought you a breakfast tray! You should have been dinging that call button and screaming at somebody!

#2) (this is to your family) Hey there, Wrekkers! NEVER, NEVER eat from anyone’s hospital food tray. Mainly because you could get sick and DIE. Hospital food is terrible. If visitors snarf up the food, the staff will not accurately know how much the patient has eaten. For Diabetics (like your Mom), insulin will be given for the amount of food eaten. Wrekkers, bring a lunch from home!

Best wishes on surviving your family. The surgery will be a cinch!

Read your family VOW’s post. It’s spot-on. And not to squelch their fun, but damn, you don’t jokingly pretend you didn’t eat the food when asked, not in this case. Not funny. Definitely not funny.

I hope you survive the fast, Beck. You must be hungry enough to eat the next person who walks in the room.

reads the last few posts, considers what nellie said, decides to leave quieter than when entered

I’ve dealt with someone in a diabetic delirium once
stage whisper


sending good vibes to you, Beck! :slight_smile:

A Further Missive from the Surgical wing of noise:
I was awakened being assaulted by the noise of dinner service. No trays came thru my door. :frowning:
I’m starving. I’ve had 9 sugar cubes when my CGM alarmed in the MRI suite.

Guys don’t worry. DIL and Big Sister are on the case.
It seems the surgeons PA came through while I was snoozin’

I expect few visitors tonight. I sent the lil’wrekker and her BF home.
The Candy man told us they’ll need to be here early if they wanna see me before surgery.
I’m to get a sleep aid tonight. I hope it works.
Oh, my little rash on my ribs has grown to about 5in across. And it burns with white hot heat of…oh…nevermind. I havn’t mentioned it to anyone yet.
Anybody think I should?

If this sounds rambly and disconnected it’s because my brain is still goofy from Valium.
I apologize.

beck being bad :slight_smile:

The rash could be shingles. Definitely mention it.