Dear pot smoking neighbor

That’s the thing though, Lsura is claiming that he smokes pot, but is complaining about the incense. Does she know for a fact that he does smoke (viewed it herself or toked with him?) or is she just assuming and accusing out of her ass because of the incense. Incense=potsmoker seems to be her reasoning.

From walking by and seeing him smoking pot, since he props his door open. It’s a pretty obvious situation. I don’t accuse people out of my ass.
Now fuck off. I’m in a foul mood today.

Here, have a hit.
Maybe you’ll feel better.

Not fair.

I was hanging out, packing my apartment, decided to check the boards and continue to grump around when you made me laugh.
I suppose this means I’ll be in that vague half cheerful, half pissed off phase for the rest of the afternoon. :frowning: :wink:

In my experience, there really isn’t anything that will cover the smell of pot smoke (or cigarette smoke, for that matter.) I walk by the ocean near some turnouts where people often come to enjoy a quiet smoke, and I can tell if and what they are smoking from across the street in the wide open sea breezes. Yesterday I stood behind a guy dropping his laundry off at the dry cleaners and I could tell from the whiff of the clothes that he smoked and that it wasn’t tobacco.

Burnt popcorn might work, but anything else you’re just fooling yourself.