death by hanging or firing squad... which would you choose?

so saddam hussein has been found guilty of crimes against humanity & sentenced to death by hanging.

seems he prefers to go out by firing squad, but hey, either way, he’s still gonna die.

the question is, if presented with the choice of death by hanging, or death by firing squad, which would you choose?

i know i would choose to do nothing that puts me in a position to pick between the two (i.e living within certain moral boundaries,) but that option is now gone for all responders… so pick - hanging, or firing squad? and why?

on second thought, maybe this is a great debate… mods, you decide.

It depends on the executioners. Both can be pretty darn quick if done right. Hanging is supposed to break the neck, pretty much killing you instantly. A gunshot to the heart will do the same.

Done poorly, a hanging would be more horrific.Slowly strangling to death while you are bleeding from severe abrasions of the neck doesn’t sound like the Fun Time.

I’ll take it by firing squad. If the hangman messes up, you might slowly strangle. If the firing squad is not whollly incompetent, you’ll die in seconds.

Give me a last cigarette, no blindfold, aim true gentlemen.
For Saddam, stretch his neck.

For whatever reason, death by firing squad has been or is considered a bit more honorable than hanging.

Me, who hasn’t killed hundreds of people in retribution, firing squad. Saddam, should be pulled by horses in every direction until he can’t move, dipped in honey, and dropped into a vat of fire ants.

Shoot straight, you bastards! Don’t make a mess of it!
– Breaker Morant

Old age.

Gimmie both barrels. If the hanging doesn’t go right you’re screwed. Even if one or two marksmen are off the mark though, you’ll still die pretty quickly, and shock will take care of any pain you’d otherwise feel before your death rattle.

Definitely the firing squad. As long as I’m choosing would you mind just putting the barrel of the gun against the back of my head and squeezing the trigger? No chance of missing and no way I’m going to feel a thing. Thanks!

A little off subject, but close enough I think.

Why is a firing squad so quick? The heart is destroyed, but the brain still has blood in it, even if blood pressure drops to zero. But isn’t there enough oxygen in the existing blood to keep you alive for a bit?

I’m under the (perhaps mistaken) impression that that instant plummet in blood pressure pretty much guarantees that you will pass out.

So put me down for shooting, as well.

Firing squad somehow seems less humiliating.

OK, youse guys.

First of all, you aren’t conscious to feel a hanging whether badly done or well done. I know this to be true from the 100’s of hanging suicides I have examined, plus forensic videos (some guys in this modern age actually set up the videocam and film their own suicides).

You don’t get the neck snap unless you drop more than 8 feet. Just stepping off a chair isn’t gonna do it; comes nowhere near doing it. And even 8 feet would only do it for a small man; most people need 12 to 15; there is a table for the use of hangmen that gives the proper distance for each weight of person. Drop too little, yes, they “strangle”. But it is not at all like being strangled by an enemy. It is much more like a judo strangle.

I have seen four count’em four hanging suicides who managed to crack the neck (one of those actually took his head off - jumped 80 feet). ALL THE REST died unconscious because of the nearly instant results on the brain of carotid compression. When you place that noose around your neck, or that bedsheet, or that dog chain, and you loop it over the garage beam / top of the door / door handle, and bend your knees, step off the chair, or just kneel, from the moment it cinches up over your neck, you are unconscious. All the “strangling” comes from carotid pressure. The carotid takes only 10 lbs of pressure to flatten; your head weighs 10 lbs; just the sagging of your head would do it. The trachea, which takes 36 pounds of pressure, is nearly never affected. You are unconscious for the entire 2.5 - 3.5 minutes it takes to die.

I have been choked out by a judo nidan. It’s incredibly fast and it is painless while it is occurring. The same nidan told me that he was once choked out in competition during a hip throw. His opponent got the sweep and got him up over his hip, grabbed his gi collar, and got the choke in the air. He was unconscious when he hit the ground. That’s fast.

But not dead.

On the other hand, the texts say you have 20 seconds of useful consciousness after you are heart shot. There have been occasions of perps returning fire on police after heartshot. You would feel pain (although likely not much - when Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinckley he didn’t realize he had taken a bullet through the chest until after they got him in the car; I autopsied a young man, victim of a driveby, who was shot once through the back and it got both heart and lung, and he told 911 he was having an asthma attack because he’d had them before and he knew just how they feel, like you can’t breathe, and he had been running really hard from the car spewing bullets out its window and he figured he’d brought on an asthma attack. The EMS unit wrote “Asthma Attack” on the intake sheet and it wasn’t until they brought him in with full code going on that they realized he was shot).

However, even with twenty seconds of conscious life, you’ll be unconscious for two or three minutes while dying before you are really most sincerely dead.

If they headshoot you instead of heartshoot, lights out. Instantly. Your heart may go on beating crazily for two minutes while your body adjusts to the fact that you have no working brain, but you’ll be standing in front of St. Peter, going, “Man, that was fast.”

I would choose firing squad, no blindfold, and headshot. But it’s for the honor of the thing, and so they can see my tears, not because there’d be any greater pain in being hanged.

Well, if I’m gonna die no matter what…how about we kinda combine them? Load me into a sling, have a firing squad yell “pull!” and have them fill me full of lead that way.

Sorry, that’s not entirely accurate. You do lose consciousness pretty quickly, but typically you’ve got 8 to 15 seconds before you black out completely. Two distinct mechanisms are at work here. First, the mechanical pressure on the carotid restricts blood flow to the brain, which on its own will induce rapid loss of consciousness. Second, the drop in blood pressure caused by this will often trigger the carotid sinus reflex, which acts to reduce the heart rate and blood pressure, further reducing the blood flow to the brain. Both taken together will knock you out in around 8 seconds or so. During that period, you’ll experience a “rushing” sound in your ears, which gets louder as you approach unconsciousness with an increased dimming of eyesight, and these are accompanied by an increasing feeling of euphoria–from all accounts, it’s quite pleasant. So much so, in fact, that there is something called the “choking game”, in which one person will partly suspend himself by the neck until he loses consciousness while another stands by to rescue him–just for the rush. Unfortunately, rescue is not always successful, and there are a few deaths per year from this activity.

Sorry, not the drop in blood pressure, but rather the pressure on the carotid itself. My mistake.

A firing squad. Preferably a circular one.

Firing squad.

Sounds less painful.