Death penalty opponents and supporters: do you think Trump deserves to be executed?

  • I’m generally opposed to the death penalty and do not think Trump should be executed.
  • I’m generally opposed to the death penalty, but I think Trump should be executed.
  • I’m generally in favor of the death penalty for certain crimes but do not think Trump should be executed.
  • I’m generally in favor of the death penalty for certain crimes and think Trump should be executed.

0 voters

First, are you generally opposed to capital punishment, or do you support it in certain instances? Second, do you think Trump’s alleged crimes (particularly inciting Wednesday’s Capitol riot) warrant the death penalty?

I am in favor of the death penalty under certain circumstances, and I do believe that Trump committed capital offenses and should be executed.

I generally oppose the death penalty, except in some very specific circumstances or cases, and no, Trump should not be executed.

I think a treason case can be made, and in that circumstance the death penalty is warranted.

I generally only support the death penalty for serial killers and/or very dangerous criminals who are escape risks.

I think if Trump was convicted of capital crimes (he won’t be) the death penalty may increase his appeal to the public. Besides, Trump is 74. Even if he got the death penalty after being convicted of capital crimes (neither of which will happen) he would die of old age before the sentence is carried out, as it takes several decades from conviction to carrying out the execution.

An example needs to be made of Trump and he needs to die in prison after getting a long sentence. But I don’t know if the death penalty will turn independents into thinking he is a martyr. His base will be pissed either way which is fine.

I’m against both unless Trump is still in the White House on the 21st. After that I support going full-Mussolini on his ass.

I think Trump can plead insanity to avoid prosecution and should be sent away. I truly think the man is mad and also likely suffering senile dementia.

are cluster B personality disorders a legitimate defense against accusations of crime? Can a lawyer say ‘my client has narcissistic personality disorder and anti-social personality disorder’, or is the insanity defense more for psychosis?

But yeah. I personally think Trump suffers from a mixture of narcissistic personality disorder, low intelligence and dementia.

No, absolutely not. I’m not a fan of the death penalty generally, though would make room for it in very rare circumstances.

But no, it is still immoral, and more than that, I don’t want to make this animal a fucking martyr. What I would love more than anything is to see his credit cut off, and his properties confiscated. That would be beautiful. It would be death for him.

I am never in favor of the death penalty for a lot of reasons, having had a front row seat for too many years.

In brief, it kills too many innocent people, it’s highly politicized, it costs far more than keeping people in prison for a lifetime, it does not act as any sort of deterrent, and it deeply affects far more people than just the convicted felon.

For many – including Trump, I believe – the penalty of sitting alone in your cell for 23 hours a day with only your thoughts is a far greater punishment than the sweet oblivion of death.

Easy call for me.

More for psychosis.

Killing is always wrong, no matter the circumstances!

I’m opposed to the death penalty under any circumstances.

So of course, no. By calling for the death penalty for Trump you are sinking to his level. Have fun down there!

Bigger question: If Trump hypothetically made an attempt at redemption, would you forgive him?

I would – but understand that redemption – real redemption – involves more than just saying “I’m sorry.” You have to be willing to accept paying a price (repent).

But I believe in forgiveness and reconciliation, even for this – but the key is, would the opposition be willing to actually repent and both acknowledge and pay for misdeeds?

ETA: I really should punctuate better, lol.

Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.

Hell no.

For one thing, Trump is too mentally unstable and selfish to ever engage in genuine redemption. Its not something a person with his psychological makeup is capable of.

other than that, it doesn’t reverse the damage he did.

if trump wants to pull a George Wallace and reform himself in his later years, good for him. But it doesn’t negate the bad things he did.

I would be extremely reluctant, in general, to impose the death penalty on someone who didn’t directly pull a trigger or otherwise physically cause a death himself. Mere incitement is generally too weak IMHO.

Some extended time in a rubber room wearing a straight jacket would be more fitting. Broken by long sessions with a team of psychiatrists asking him about his delusions about him still being the leader of the free world.

Execution is wrong and would be too good for him anyway.

Just to be clear, forgive doesn’t mean forget, and it doesn’t mean nobody goes unpunished; punishment is part of forgiveness.

The reason I can’t forgive the Republican party now is because I know they don’t have any intention of reforming; they are lying their asses off and not in the least bit sorry for what has happened. So that’s why I am insanely harsh.

But if I felt there was actual contrition, yes, I would forgive.

Trump IS the reason that no state should ever be given the power to kill it’s citizens.

States are run by politicians. They cannot be trusted because powerful positions often magnetically draw easily corrupted power freaks.

No death penalty. If he and Ivanka and Jared and Don Jr. are all in the slammer, and if Trump has his faced rubbed into being a loser, that’s a much worse penalty than death. Add massive fines and the revelation of what a crap businessman he is to that, and I’d be happy.