Debunk this: Virgin Screwers in Guam

On another message board that I frequent, someone posted a listing of sex laws from around the world. They all sound pretty hokey to me. One that got lots of responses was that in Guam, some men are paid to travel around the countryside and deflower young virgins. Why? Because it is against the law for virgins to marry.

Let’s forget that this is just plain dumb. How GREAT would that law be for ANY guy??? “Well, I’d like to get married but you’re still a virgin (wink wink, nudge nudge)”
I just don’t “get” jokes/funny stories that are too stupid to be true. On the other hand, maybe there are guys who are paid to deflower virgins in Guam. :rolleyes:

Isn’t Guam a US territory? I think it is.

I lived on Guam. No such law and no such position exists. It is a VERY Catholic community. Can you imagine a priest OKing either the law or the job?

For the most part Guam is no different than any other American community.

Well how the heck did this dumb rumor get started? I did a lllllong search trying to find verification. All I found was lots of lists of strange sex laws. At each site, the list was almost verbatim from the last one I saw. Seems like it just cut & pasted so many times that it has become “fact”. Weird.

I’ve heard it too, did you check Scopes?

Snopes? yes.