
Here’s a new twist (gypsy) tammy says you’re
out to get her.She told me that she diddnt
post this topic and that you have hacked you’re way into her pasword to post this
to make her look so bad that I wont have anything to do with her.

Also for you’re easy reading the two of you
have been just “friends” to be blunt We’ve been together the entire time and still are.

Anyone else hoping that rlo’s parents ground him from the computer soon?

Seven days of sex makes a whole week.

First things first. Hey Diane, how is ya? :slight_smile:

Now for the chaff. What the hell is this thread doing back on top of the board? I was hoping it gone for good.

rlo, drop it or take it somewhere else.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

rlo isnt it past your bedtime???

We are, each of us angels with only one wing;
and we can only fly by
embracing one another

Much better now that I saw your happy, yellow, smiley face!

(Are we sickening or what? :))

Seven days of sex makes a whole week.

I dunno, Diane. C#3 hasn’t yelled at us yet, so I’m not worried. He’d certainly be the first warning sign.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Here’s a little pointer which might be helpful to the poor souls out there who have, or may in the future, be taken for a ride by someone.
I am the kind of guy who has the apparent ability to charm and deceive in enormous amounts, although i have no idea why. I have never (or very rarely) used it to fuck with people though, or at least not since school…
Anyway, the only time you’ll be able to tell if they are genuine or just trying to charm you is when a conversation is pushed to an extreme (Such as the kids asking Why, why, why, why…you know how annoying that is) or when they lose their temper. Then you can see the real person. I know. My ex-girlfriend knows…i became puttty in her hands. If this helps one person ever, that would be cool.