
Hehehee!!! Thanks, I needed that!

Is the one complaining about being deceived; really the deciever? I wonder I don’t trust someone who i know has lied to me, and slandered my name without even talking to me about it. NO you did not talk to me I was away when you were harassing my friend and she said she was me to get you to stop calling.
As for calling me a whoring slut you don’t even know me. Are you surprised he told me; we are friends. I don’t have to explain anything to any of you not that you would even want to hear the truth.
You no nothing about me and never will, all I will say is expect maturer behaviour out of students then I have seen in this thread and you guys call yourselves adults.
I am also sure you were not a totally innocent party it takes two make a realtionship and two to destroy it.
My Advice; move on and forget about it, and while you are doing that stop screwing around in my life. I don’t need you to take care of me; I am capable of doing that myself.
The forgiver

Let the games begin…

We are, each of us angels with only one wing;
and we can only fly by
embracing one another

CanadianSue I will not particpate in something I think is below me. Tammy is playing highschool games; and gaining nothing by it. As for me I am just upset that; she would resort to harassing people, calling names and judging things she no nothing about.

Judge not; unless you are prepared tp be judged.

So, what? Gypsy can’t defend himself?

It only takes one to end a relationship.

Tammi asked us (the Dopers ) for advice. We gave it, as well as some cyber-shoulders for her.

How is that immature?

I’m withholding my other statements for now.

< sitting back, waiting for the next round >

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

I was not defending anyone. I was stating a fact that I believe is true.
Sure one person can end it; but the problems in a realtionship can’t all be one presons fault.
I know this from experience that is not related to this thread.

Well, last time i looked a relationship consisted of two principle people… somehow this one seems to have webbed itself a tangled web of more than that… it will be most interesting to sit back and see what happens now. Hey Sealemon… get me a beer will ya? wink

We are, each of us angels with only one wing;
and we can only fly by
embracing one another

< throws CanadianSue a beer, and some chocolate (Don’t ask, it’s her bag ;)) >

I’m still waiting to hear from the other players.

Hmmm…looks like we need a judge! Anyone know where ChiefScott is? Or Judge Judy?

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

…and people wonder why I don’t date more.

Guys, I’m not here for the fireworks. Dragging this whole sordid thing over the coals of the internet is only going to make the situation worse.

The problem is that in circumstances of the heart, everyone involved always has a different view of how things happen. It’s almost impossible to be objective about anything, particularly when the wounds are so fresh.

My advice for Tammi, gypsy, and anyone else involved: Take a week or two off. Don’t contact one another. Don’t pursue this further on this or any thread. Spend this time in introspection. Try to look at the whole thing as a growing experience, and not as a reason to blame someone else. Decide what you learned from it, and use that lesson for the rest of your life. Like any wound, this is going to hurt for awhile. Then it is going to itch for even longer. But, if you don’t pick it, it will eventually heal. A day will come when the thought of the other people will bring a sense of pity, rather than loathing.

This, of course, will take longer than a week or two, but at least by then a lot of the steam should be released. Try not to obsess about it. No permanent harm has been done. Everyone is alive. Everyone will heal (even the children). Chalk it down as being in the past, and look toward moving on.

“The saurians had no strange wine, no imagination, and they became extinct. And you don’t look so terrific yourself.” -Harlan Ellison

I’ve been away for a couple of days and missed what BG wrote; I’m back now. First of all, I have nothing to gain by telling this story - I have opened myself up to everyone. Secondly, I am the one that told the gypsy to “hit the highway.” If I hadn’t of found the Swiss Chalet receipt, I am sure “our” life would have continued as it was. If you’ve had a recent visit, it is because my dear fiance had his ego bruised and had to run to bolster it. The only reason this thread was started was because I posed a question, how can someone be so deceiving and still live with themselves. To put the record straight, I have never harrassed you, your friends, or anyone having anything to do with you - your right, I do not know you. I did make ONE phone call in regard to why your number appeared on my fiance’s phone bill so often. As for calling you a “whoring slut,” I don’t think so… you called yourself that. I have said that I feel VERY sorry for you and “the others” (you and I are not the only ones), that fall prey to this manipulating piece of shit that calls himself a man. First of all, a REAL man does not use women, nor does he lie. Secondly, if my gypsy has told you anything derogatory about me, then I’m afraid you are being deceived on that one as well. My family, friends, children and I have done nothing but love that man. Nothing more, nothing less. If you think you are the grand “forgiver,” more power to you. One day you will wake up and realize I was only trying to warn you and the others. Maybe you are a big girl that can take care of yourself, I sure wish someone would have told me about what a fraud he is; it would have saved my children and I some heartache. As for “moving on and forgetting about it,” I think that is what I began when I told him to “hit the highway.” There has been enough heartache in my children’s and my life. I have worked extremely hard on building stability and security all around us. I admit I faltered when I allowed this man to become a part of all of our lives. As I said before, I have learned much about myself and have learned a lesson I won’t soon forget. You are only a name on a keyboard to me, nothing more. If you are wise, (especially if you have children), I would watch everything this man does and says. It won’t take you long to see him for what he really is. Do not be naive and tred blindly like I did. With all that said, I wish you luck, from what I can tell, your going to need it.

The following is a copy of a reaction I wrote to one of gypsy’s comments in another thread:

" Gypsy said:

" coldfire, I will not justify the nonsense, innuendo’s, lies and the like by answering the thread in question.

Who the fuck do you think you are to stand in judgement any of this? "

I am in no position to judge yet, since I don’t know your explanation at this stage. However, I have the damn right to be opinionated. Since opinions of people on this board are formed by their posts or lack thereof, my opinion in the matter described by Tammy in her “Deceived”-thread is biased towards her. She clearly and eloquently stated the situation, not for vengeance, not to drag anyone through the mud, not to embarrass you (she was diplomatic about the whole thing), but just for the purpose of warning other people about getting involved with someone you meet online, as well as wondering about how you could live with yourself after doing such things. Her accusation, albeit diplomatically phrased, was a serious one though. As can be seen from my first reaction in said thread, I was startled by Tammy’s story, but was also eager to see your reaction because one can’t judge from just knowing one side to the story.
I then learn later, that you have been posting to all sorts of threads, but have not reacted to numerous requests (not only by me, but also by other people) to explain yourself in that “Deceived” thread. If there’s one thing you’re gonna accept from me at face value, let it be this: you can only prove that that story is lies and innuendo, if you explain WHY that is so, in your opinion. Failing to do so will lead people to the conclusion that the accused party (you) is actually wrong and the accusing party (Tammy) is telling the truth.
If her story is complete BS, why don’t you just come out and explain that to all of us in the appropriate thread ? What do you have to loose, following the abovementioned reasoning ? At least people will be able to judge the situation after hearing BOTH sides of the story.

I will put a copy of this post in the appropriate thread.


Coldfire "
Now, let’s see where this will lead us…


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

this is so ammising, to put it straight I’m
tammy’s ex and this is for hannu if you’ve been cheating you’re not alone.tammy has been
buisy 2 with me so when I read about her
sticking out her lip I had to write this.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Hmm. “rlo” registered today and has made a whopping two posts.

Anyone smell something?

(And hey, don’t be stingy with that blanket! I’m not much of a beer drinker, though…Seagrams, anyone?)

I used to think the world was against me. Now I know better. Some of the smaller countries are neutral.

Laura’s Stuff and Things

:::looking through dresser, trying to find those asbestos underwear:::

Hey, can I have some of that blanket too? It’s getting mighty chilly in here.

“Most people would succeed in small things, if they were not troubled with
great ambitions.”

  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)

I agree, LauraRae, something isn’t right with the post from rlo. It’s written incoherently–could someone be trying to disguise his style of writing? Does anyone else agree or am I just creating a drama?

Tammy, I went through a break-up with someone that was NOT deceiving me and it took about a year to get over him. Now that I’ve met a wonderful man (it WILL happen for you), there are times when I don’t trust him, but the trust comes in time, so I hope you aren’t afraid to get involved with anyone ever again. Just grieve, cry, eat, sleep, whatever gets you through, but your faith in men will be restored eventually.

It was only a matter of time before the “show” began.

I said what I had to say and hope that others have learned from my mistake.

What Coldfire said.

::quietly walks away::

OK, so now I’m receiving private e-mails from both Tammy and gypsy stating their cases.

I guess I asked for it.

I’ve learned my lesson. Don’t try and get the truth out ALL the time. Leave personal matters IRL alone. Don’t try and judge the situation by persuading the parties involved to surrender all information.

I wish you BOTH the best of luck in resolving this matter, as you seem good people to me.

I’ll leave the matter alone now, and I do apologize for maybe sounding judgmental at some stages in this thread.


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Never give an e mail address you can’t abandion!Get two or three, if you want to e mail to lots of folks here…

Frankly, I’m not THAT paranoid yet. My e-mail is visible to anyone on this board. It’s my standard home e-mail, and it also forwards to my work. I figure, if someone gets really obnoxious, I’ll just filter them straight into the trash. All Dopers that mailed me so far are way cool in my book though.


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)