Decision 2004: SDMB ultra-prelim straw poll

Not Bush.
And I ain’t a partisan for any party.
Sadly, it’s a vote of No Confidence.

[sub]I hate when that happens.[/sub]

Not Bush.

Not Bush.

Anyone who is less foreign-policy challenged.

Not Bush.

Dems unless Lieberman, in which case probably Green.

Not Bush.

Koko the sign-language gorilla if necessary, but not Bush.

I am not an American, but please, please, please elect anyone except Bush. I’m not sure the world will survive another 4 years of this hate-mongering fundie :frowning:

Not Bush. I will vote for whoever the Democratic candidate is, hopefully Dean.

Not Bush. Any democratic candidate put forward. I’d even vote for Lieberman (although I would have to hold my nose), the democratic version of Bush.


Prefer Dean, though.

Not Bush.

Dean is my main man.

Me too.

This coming election, I’m voting for the first time ever.

Not Bush

Possibly Wesley Clark

Not Hillary I can’t stand her. She just rubs me the wrong way.

Not Lieberman Big dork.

Hijack: How many people here are going to vote for this first time this coming election? Just curious.

Stephi: Are you voting for the first time because you haven’t been old enough, or because you find this election important? FWIW, I’m 32, so I’ve been voting for 14 years.

Does anybody have a recommendation for a relatively impartial website that outlines the differences between the Democratic candidates?

The unscientific straw poll is seeming to answer the earlier debate on whether this board leans left. That said…

Bush. And I concur with milroyj. You anti_Bush folks are doomed to eight years of pain, just as I and millions like me suffered between 1993 and 2001.

Green Bean Mostly because I’ve really never been pissed off enough about a candidate to go out and vote. And I never really had any kind of interest in politics before. Not that I have a whole lot now, but I don’t know, I guess because I think it’s too important to not vote.

Erm…I hope that answers your question. :slight_smile:

I’ll be voting for Bush. And yeah, he’s gonna win again. Might wanna start thinking about running away to Canada, Dems. Karma’s a bitch.

Not Bush

And this time, I’ll be in the majority.


You were in the majority last time, but that’s not the way the system works!

Not Bush.

Wesley Clark would be my top choice.

Bush. I’m pretty confident he’ll be re-elected, but not certain.