Deepak Chopra is a Moron

“Ice cream, Mandrake! Childrens’ ice cream!”


Basically, choosing to call Chopra a moron was an act of generosity. Because there are only two possibilities: either he’s a moron, or he’s evil. I mean, a guy like Tony Robbins or Dr. Phil probably thinks he’s actually doing some good.

But Chopra is spewing absolute gibberish. It’s very calculated to suck in the gullible. And his best skill is that he’s somehow managed to worm his way into the Hollywood establishment. He’s on TV all the time. He’s a regular on Bill Maher’s show, and he’s got a blog on Arianna Huffington’s web site. The amount of free publicity he gets from the Hollywood crowd is incredible. He’s like, the deep thinker to the stars, or something.

I am offended by your use of the term moron. I represent a league of such people, and we’d like you to call us… hang on a minute… we’d prefer the term… oh, damn. That’s the trouble with being morons. No one can think of a good new PC name. :smack:

Diogenes the Cynic: I agree that Chopra is a complete hack and is especially fraudulent when he pretends to know anything about medicine.

He was board certified in Massachusetts in endocrinology and was Chief of Staff at a small hospital which eventually went bankrupt (long after he left). It’s not so much that he knows nothing about medicine. I suspect it’s that there was more money to be made elsewhere.

Actually some of his books focus on “manifesting” whatever you want. (His word, not mine.)

One of his early books, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Sucess had some very practical advice once you worked through the mumbo jumbo. The title was hideous and designed to appeal to the greedy, the insecure and the New Agey. Naturally, I bought it. I would have renamed it Seven Practical Guidelines for Finding Some Measure of Peace in Your Life.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out that this material was not original with him.

I participated in a Deepak Chopra Forum for several years. The participants were about evenly split between males and females. More of the males had attended his seminars because they were the ones who could afford them. Participants included several people who were familiar with Buddhist teachings including one mother/homemaker/teacher who is a Buddhist.

The people who participated could not be stereotyped anymore that Dopers can. It attracted both the skeptical and the gullible, the very bright and the dull.

The forum was eventually closed because neither Deepak Chopra nor Random House provided moderation to what evolved into a sludge pit.

Deepak Chopra wore thin very quickly. I remained because of the friendships that I had formed.

I do not believe as Chopra does, but his belief’s are his business, if people want to follow him that is theirs;many people think the same about Christianity, Judaism,etc.; a belief is just that, not necessarily fact. I would imagine his followers could not find what they were looking for to better their lives in other Religions and many people do not want to think for themselves.


This same analogy can apply to Televangelists, there are reasons for the many religions, and that is :that people see things in a different light. If they choose to be misled then so be it.

You’re gonna answer to the Coca-Cola company.



Why do I have this sudden urge to push a cowboy out of some bomb bay doors?

Actually, I feel like grabbing my survival kit, and heading for Vegas.


And my urge to push an Indian out of some Bombay doors… What can explain all this other than reefer madness?

Shodan, how many times have I told you guys that I don’t want no horsing around in The Pit?


Well, I don’t know about you, but I accuse my parents.

Interestingly, that part was filmed right before Kennedy was shot, and lip-readers can tell he actually said ‘Dallas’. The IMDb on the subject.

Even more bizarre, a whole scene was cut:

So it wouldn’t have been in the original even if Kennedy hadn’t been shot, but that line must have been a bit too close to home for some of the actors.