Deer are born in Dearborn, Michigan

I have this dim memory of a song with this line in it. Something like:


I have a vague recollection of that possibly being sung to the tune of “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”, but that’s all.

Nothing on Google that I can find.

:packs bags in preparation for the end of the world:

I THINK it may have been one of those incredibly silly novelty songs that surfaced on AM radio in the 60’s. About the time of “Winchester Cathedral”, and like it, may have been done in a faux 20’s style. But I’m not certain of either of those statements.

I’ll have to ask my mom for more information (she’s the sort of person who would know this stuff), but I can tell you this much:

  1. There was such a song, although I always heard it “No deer are born in…”

  2. I’m fairly certain that it was not done to the tune of “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”. In fact, I’ve never heard any other song with the same melody.

  3. yabob’s answer makes sense, given the melody that I’m familiar with, but I can’t be sure. (I’m far too young.)

Oh dear…

Okay, I checked with my mother, and she said she remembered it from when she was in elementary school, which means sometime before 1967. She heard it on WJR, a Detroit radio station, where it was often featured during a particular segment. Beyond that she doesn’t remember much (although she did sing the first two lines for me – definitely not “Bonnie”), and recommended that I check with her mom for further information, which I shall do.

Ok, thanks. “NO deer” makes more sense, of course, but I’m not in the habit of analyzing my memories of novelty songs for logical consistency. At least I know now that I didn’t hallucinate the thing, though I couldn’t find any google references anymore than DDG could.

I heard this song once on Dr. Demento years ago. I remember with some assurance 1 1/2 stanzas, but nothing else. The melody was not one I ever heard with other lyrics and seemed to be intentionally goofy to go with the lyrics. These are the lines I remember:

*Well, I was born in Dearborn, Michigan but I don’t live there still.
I might move back to Dearborn, Michigan, but I kind of doubt if I will.

No deer are born in Dearborn, Michigan. They’re born in the hills . . .*

I’ve wondered for years how the rest of that delightfully stupid song goes.

It sure sounds like a phrase that would be at home in the last verse of this song but alas no mention of Dearborn MI in there.

Here’s someone who claims to have a 45" by Marty Cooper and the Big Town Kazoos with that song.

Lyrics from the poster’s memory:

Tragically, it seems kazoo bands have stayed a niche genre.

Jackpot! Hear the song in its glory here - third one down.

You rock, TroutMan! I can’t believe you found that, how awesome. :slight_smile:

Good grief. Ask and ye shall receive, even 8 years later.

Yeah, good work TroutMan.

Actually, I found the answer myself much later, but didn’t revive an ancient thread. Still, good work.

Wherever they’re born, I have it on good authority that they vacation in Deer Lodge, MT.

There are no hills either. But there are deer in Dearborn Michigan, and coyotes too.

Craziness… Not only was this found, but it was found by a website run by a friend of mine. I’ll make sure to mention it to him this weekend… (:

Loads of deer are born in the Detroit burbs; including Dearbourne. Almost hit a herd the other day. :frowning: Wish they’d let’em bow hunt them around here; plenty of responsible hunters around here and they’d be easy pickings since most of them have no fear of humans.

That is hilarious this was revived after so long. I didn’t notice the original date at first, so I was all impressed with myself, thinking, “what a great board - only here could someone ask about an obscure song and get a reply within…8 years??? WTF??” :confused:

Are fish killed in Fishkill, New York? Are cats killed in the Catskill Mountains?