Defeat the Akinator!

Akinator is an AI which guesses fictional and real-life characters. It’s remarkably tough to beat, and, consequently, is horrendously addictive.

Seriously, you’ve gotta try this fucking thing. It’s just flat-out amazing. First time I tried it, I thought “Meh, give it an easy one. Let’s go with Doctor Who”. In nine questions it not only got Doctor Who, it got the specific Doctor I was thinking of! I then tried Louis CK, Gepetto, Boo Radley, Toshiro Mifune, Multiple Miggs, and Big Keith from the UK version of The Office. It got every single one in less than 20 questions. I finally defeated it with Lorraine Stanley, star of obscure English gloomfest London To Brighton.

Give it a go. If you can beat it on the first go I’ll be very impressed.

That game has been linked here several times in the past. Always fun to play. I beat it on my first attempt today with Rickey Jackson, HoF LB for the Saints.

It was unable to get Jared Harris

That’s pretty neat. I finally stumped it with Lord Fanny, a anarchist transsexual bruja from The Invisibles. It guessed Calvin’s dad, from Calvin and Hobbes. It did, however, get it right on the second guess.

Prior to that, it got Nathan Beford Forrest, Zoe from Left for Dead, and Mark Grayson from Invincible.

This was posted recently. It’s fun, and it does surprisingly well with porn stars.

I beat it with Brian Rix, but it complained that a lot of my answers were too vague, and it seems he was in the database.

Motherfuck. That he guessed Battle Angel Alita and Tyrion Lannister easily enough I can figure (not too hard, they’re pretty famous/popular), but Jacques de Molay ? Grmbl, OK, more obscure then, try this one on for… you’ve got to be shitting me. It got Maliq Al-Sayf, a minor secondary character from a half-decade old game who appears in all but three or four cutscenes ?

strokes beard Impressive.

Almost got it with Cyrano de Bergerac. Took it 28 questions and the first couple guesses were ridiculously far off the mark.

Aaaand finally stumped it with Fidel I forget, I forget again from Jagged Alliance 1&2. Apparently he’s not even in the database yet. So I guess I just screwed a future player :slight_smile:

Finally stumped it with Brian Duffy, the protagonist from Tim Powers’ Drawing of the Dark. Its last guess before it gave up was King Arthur, which was pretty cool: in the novel, Duffy is the reincarnation of Arthur.

Fun game! Thanks!

After many plays, I finally stumped him with Smokey Lonesome, a character from Fried Green Tomatoes.

Stumped it with Minax, main bad character from Ultima II
(Though to be honest I couldn’t answer every question like hair color)


It got Cecil on the third try.

It couldn’t get my first choice: Marie Bashir, the Governor of NSW.

What I find amazing are the times I think I’ve fucked up the answers with my probablies and probably-nots and yet it still gets them right. Sometimes it asks the same question repeatedly though and I think it’d be even better if it didn’t do that. For example, when the person I was thinking of was Gianna Michaels it asked three separate times if the character I was thinking of had red hair.

It only took 26 questions (and two tries) to guess Carmilla. It even had her last name in the file, which I was blanking on. That was one of the more impressive ones it’s gotten.

When it asks the same (or very similar) question multiple times, it’s because it has that question multiple times in its database, and doesn’t realize that it’s the same question.

And it didn’t even have Gurthang in its database, but it did guess Stormbringer and Frostmourne, which are both pretty close.

Previous thread: What was that one game Dopers found that had the computer guessing who they were? - The Game Room - Straight Dope Message Board

My posts are on the next-to-last page. I learned that Akinator knows Tolkien very well, but law-related movies not so much.

OK, now this is interesting… I just stumped it with Victor Cachat, from the Honor Harrington books, who apparently wasn’t even in the database… But I’ve apparently played him before, since my browser auto-completed the name.

I love that it correctly identified the T-Rex from Jurassic Park in 9 questions.

My wife just stumped it with David Liebowitz, author of My Sweet Life in Paris.

Today it correctly guessed Mike Logan (from Law and Order), Danger Mouse, and The Cigarette Smoking Man (from the X-Files), before I finally stumped it with Jerry Brown, of all people. It guessed Dennis Kucinich.