I’m posting this in this forum because I will fully admit that I do not have the stones to venture into great debates and take a position and stick to it if I am wrong. I don’t have the education in economics to declare it outright ridiculous even though the theories posited by these people seem so.
I’m talking about the Demographic Winter Movement.
IMHO, this is a very thinly veiled attempt at the conservative religious and nationalist separatists (is that even a term or something my brain manufactured?) to target what they see as a global decline in their way of thinking and thus power they hold in society.
It seems to me that even though they are exceedingly careful in not mentioning religion, or out and out saying that each country should keep to themselves and leave eachother alone, that it is an attack on sectors of society that generally do not propagate. (The GLBT community, childless couples, etc.)
I bring this to you, because I’m really wanting to know if my ideas about this “movement” hold water. I hope that someone who knows something about economic trends can shed some light on whether or not what these people say is true or whether or not it is simple fear mongering. I cannot imagine that a declining birth rate will be the sole cause for the eventual destruction of people. I think that it is far more delicate a situation than that, and if there are more people, the spreading thin of environmental resources would be a greater problem.
As an agnostic woman with no children, (by choice) and a very strong marriage, I find a repugnance in their tone that suggests to me that they’d rather see no immigration, stronger christian family values, and a reticence for true progress.
I started by watching the trailer for the film, which, y’know, it’s a trailer, so you don’t get a whole lot of information from that beyond (OMG! We’re all gonna die!) And moved on to the Q&A to find out more. That’s where I really started rolling my eyes. It seems easy to dismiss and deconstruct the fallacies and contradictions in their arguments on a paragraph by paragraph basis.
For instance, in one breath they say that population decline will ruin the care of the elderly as there will be less tax money to support people who can’t work. In another, they point out that the U.S. is at population stability. Our Social Security system is a disaster, so doesn’t it follow that population has no actual bearing on whether or not a country’s pension system is strong?
Also, they claim that immigration is just robbing Peter to pay Paul. If international travel to meet a family’s economic needs isn’t the answer, how do you explain an immigration population boom’s failure to make up the difference in a country’s tax system? What difference does it make if taxes from wages and life in a host country comes from a person of different descent except to say that a foreigner’s ability to meet the standards of the host country is somehow sub-par?
This is my favorite place to help me shape my ideas about the world. I need help on this one.