I have a few questions about Dopers’ reactions to anti-depressants. I’m considering maybe seeing a doctor and trying something new, but it’s a little hard to take the first step and I could use some advice.
A little background info:
I first started to feel depressed when I was a teenager. I’d always had low self-esteem, but gradually I started wanting to be alone more often and became quieter and more self-conscious in social situations. At 18, I got dumped by a girl, and that was when the real fog set in.
In the six years since, it’s never really left. I’ve never been seriously suicidal, so I’m lucky for that, but it doesn’t mean that I’m not totally miserable. I’ve been married for four years, and am lucky enough to have my wife for constant support, but still, I can think of less than a dozen days in the last six years that I really, truly felt happy.
Knowing I was depressed, but not having insurance, I tried St. John’s Wort. Didn’t do a thing. So I went to a Walk-In Medical Center, taking ephedrine beforehand so I would feel speedy and actually have the courage to talk to the doctor. I did inform him of this fact so that he didn’t freak out when he saw my heartrate. He gave me some Wellbutrin samples. No effect whatsoever.
Other doctors at similar establishments have prescribed me two different SSRIs, Prozac and Effexor. People around me (especially my wife) noted that I was more talkative and seemed happier. I wasn’t, though. The SSRIs felt fake. As I was smiling and talking, I felt a revolting sense of deception, as if by acting happy, I was lying to the world. Bad feelings were just underneath the surface and it felt like the SSRIs were just masking inexplicable pain. I say it’s inexplicable because I really don’t have anything to be sad about, nor do I have any deep-seated trauma that could be affecting me. I was never abused in any way. My parents were good and fair people and I never wanted for anything.
Has anyone else experienced the “phony” feeling with SSRIs? If so, did you get it with one SSRI, but not another, or at one dose, but not another?
I need to find a good doctor. I finally just got health insurance and a prescription plan, so I’m in business. The only problem is that I don’t know anyone (shy and self-conscious, remember?) that I can ask for advice on a good doctor to see.
I’ve also heard things about people’s anti-depressant doses being tailored to them. How does this work? Does a regular doctor do this, or would I need to see some kind of specialist? If I want to get some type of therapy, how does that work? Will a doctor refer me to a therapist?
Also, should I go straight to a mental health specialist for my depression or see a general practitioner first? In either case, how do I find one?