DFW Adam's Family - anyone up for beer and irish music?

The North Texas Irish festival is this weekend. Beer, music, shopping, more beer, more music…
Saturday would be best for me, we could meet there or carpool from somewhere. I’ve never been real impressed with the food there (basic festival fare, plus Irish stew) but it may be more fun to stay through the evening than go off to a restaurant.

Anyone want to go with me? Ideas?

Humph, meant to put this in the OP


Sounds good to me. Let’s wait to see who else is interested before firming up plans.

Do they have half-naked women like Hawkwood?

Beer and naked women, I’m in.

Seriously, though, it sounds like fun.


I would love to but I can’t. My parents want to come up to Dallas for my birthday. They couldn’t last weekend since I had already made plans…well, to spend it with y’all. I can’t stand them up a second time. Have fun!

Sounds interesting. I have hair now, and it’s red. My last name is either Scottish or Irish. I prefer Irish myself. Will there be any corned beef and cabbage? I love that stuff.

As I remember, there’s at least one place with a good possibility of serving corned beef and cabbage. If not there, then we could go to the Tipperary Inn ( http://www.tippinn.com/ ) wherever that is.

I’m driving up from San Antonio for this. There’s a band called Danu playing a couple of sets both Saturday and Sunday–young guys, pretty straight-ahead trad music but with tremendous energy.

Have to be back in SA Monday night, though, for Bob Wills’s birthday. Since I was named after San Antonio Rose, I gotta be there!

Let me get this straight.

There’s a doper get-together.

I’m NOT cooking at this get-together.

And I can’t come.


(a friend is coming from out of town to stay the weekend.)

I know exactly where it is and you don’t want to go there right now. They recently renovated [it looks wonderful] but they jacked up all the prices , bar and grill, and it’s a little snooty now. Give it another 6 months to return to normal price and attitude.

So do you want to come with us Palmyra?
Looks like
Brood McEto (with girlfriend?)
and myself

If the question marks don’t show up, it will be my favorite type of dopefest - me surrounded by handsome men! :smiley:

An Irish festival, while a lot of fun, isn’t exactly conducive to my condition. So, I’m going to have to pass on this one. I can’t wait until I’m better. This is really starting to suck.

Hey, Ag, at least the food shouldn’t upset your system. I’ll even teetotal with you if you show up.

What are we going to do for comic relief if you aren’t there? :smiley:

I was thinking the bagpipes would upset his stomach.

Me and Mrs. Maru probably won’t be able to make it, we have the kid this weekend. Damn, that would be the perfect excuse to wear my Irish shirt with the dancing devil, too.

Does anyone have problem with meeting at 2 at the Star and Harp pub (in the festival)?

Oops - make that on Saturday

sigh I’m going to stop posting in the mornings.

Sounds like a plan, Zy. Work is stacking up for the weekend so don’t wait around long for me. If I arrive late, I’ll just track y’all down somewhere in the place.


See y’all there. I’ll try to bring the table sign in case trose shows up.

Er…did you guys show up? I looked for you, I really did. I hung around the designated meeting place for nearly an hour before dashing off to catch Amberhawke’s next set. It was kind of hard to spot people, since most people had hoods up, but I should have been quite visible (as the only guy fool enough to stand out in the cold rain in a tshirt). I spotted some of my IFGS friends easily enough.

Ah, well. It would undoubtedly have been more fun with you guys, but I had a good time anyway–any day I can catch two full sets of Amberhawke is a good day, and I found some music and an instrument I’ve been looking for.

The rain made it crowded in the buildings, but that gave me a chance to get a good look at the makeup of the festival crowd. The mix was interesting–I saw Rennies, LARPers, folkies, crafters, Goths, metalheads, young punkers, and even a surprising number of yuppies (they were the ones who looked at me oddly when I sang along with the band). I don’t believe I’ve ever seen such an even cross-section of all those groups anywhere else. There was much less audience participation than I’ve come to expect at Faires–I’m not sure if it was because the lower percentage of Rennies increased the self-consciousness index (it’s hard to be self-conscious around Rennies–no matter what you’re doing, odds are that they’re making a bigger spectacle of themselves than you are), or if it was just because fewer people in the crowd knew the words. Either way, it was a bit disappointing–I like the choral feeling of singing along with a crowd. Amber did at least manage to get an entire audience to chime in on the chorus of “Johnny Jump-Up”.