DFW Dopers - rjk's coming...

Zyada - are you sure she’d STAY in the trunk while you and RJK get re-acquainted?

puts on some 70s porno soundtrack music

dowm d-d-dowm dowm wicky wicky wicky pow
dowm d-d-dowm dowm wicky wicky wicky pow
dowm d-d-dowm dowm wicky wicky wicky pow

(Zyada) Oh, yes. Ride. Me. You. Big. Stud.
(rjk) Aw, yeeeeah. Get ready for a lil’ sumpin’sumpin…

dowm d-d-dowm dowm wicky wicky wicky pow
dowm d-d-dowm dowm wicky wicky wicky pow
dowm d-d-dowm dowm wicky wicky wicky pow

SFX: loudly creaking trunk lid.

(Scotticher) Hey you two, is it hot in here, or is it just…US?

SFX: ripping cloth as Scotticher tears her clothes off.

Grace wrote: Of course, you realize that the newest member to the DFW family has to buy at least one round of drinks. Your other choice for hazing is the naked lambada.

Gee, Grace, do you REALLY want to see me dance the Lambada naked? :smiley:

Zyada wrote: So, watcha slummin’ in Dallas for?

To see all you wonderful people, of course! :smiley: I have a few friends in the Dallas area I’ve not seen in a while, the bike is running well. I finally got the valves adjusted and the cam cover gasket replaced and the weather is nice enough for a trip. I love the feel of the wind in my hair, the roar of the engine, the open road. But I do really hate spending 3 hours untangling my hair after letting the wind whip it around after several hours on the bike. :smiley:

JimB wrote: I’ve added you to the DFW Family out-of-towners list. that should keep you informed of any of our gatherings.

Cool, now I just have to figure out which motel I’ll be in and how to get to the restuarant.

Cheffie, let me guess - you’re in the closet with the camera.

Ag - if you are still having problems and don’t get to ATMB, check this thread out: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=69647

Well, Zyada…

I was sort of hoping you would slow down long enough to throw me out of the car in front of Grace’s house. On the other hand, I understand that it has been awhile since you two were in the same physical space, and I don’t want to slow you down. So I guess I will just have to hope I can make it to the NEXT Texas DopeFest.

Rats…I always miss ALL the fun!


Have magic, you two! You are both wonderful, and you deserve each other!


Scotti, I live right by the airport. Z could drop you off over here at my place and it would hardly slow her and rjk down at all.

And after a couple of days, I could run you up to Grace’s house. Or, better yet, Grace could come down here and uh, visit with us.



Unfortunately, Grace is happily married and I am sort of “shy.” (Or a prude, but I like “shy” better)

But, thanks for the offer. I think I am just going to have to start saving my pennies for a ticket to Texas for the NEXT DopeFest.

Too bad I won’t be able to bring my portable hot tub on the plane. Now, my vanilla massage oil, I might find room for!



Damn, Scotti, if only you’d let me know a little earlier, I could have brought the big suitcase. Then at least you’d be comfortable in the trunk while we ignore you for a while.

We keep missing each other - oh well, maybe it’s fate.

Bob in Texas

Z, I thought you knew… I’m not in the closet anymore.


[sub]hey, just because I’m not straight doesn’t mean I can’t make use of a stellar straight line like that.[/sub]

But if you need someone to run the camera (essential for pans and zooms… otherwise the resulting video lacks flair), I’ll be happy to volunteer.

See y’all tonight.


Hey **Scotti[/], you let me know when you’re ready to come down to Dallas. You can save some extra pennies by staying with me. Of course, we’ll end up staying up all night doing those things that women do.


Of course, she could save some pennies by staying with me and we could stay up all night doing those things that men and women do.



It looks like we’ve got 9 definites and 4 or 5 maybes - does anyone want to make reservations for Adams later this afternoon? Bob and I will probably be out all day, so we won’t be able to.

Zy, they don’t take reservations, but Chef, and posibly me, are going to go early to make sure we get a place.


The Sign is coming. It’s leaving Houston now, traveling by beatlemobile.

Hello, my name is Scotti, and I am sad.

Once again, I am missing a Dallas DopeFest. I am trying to take it one day at a time, like you all say, but really. Once again I am sitting here in WA, while you all make merry.

Well, just you wait. One of these days, I am going to hop on a plane and visit Grace. And then? Well…well…I can’t think of anything amusing to say, but JUST YOU WAIT!


Have bunches of fun, and drink a toast for me!

Much Love to ALL!


I have a request to make.

I know some of you tape “Will & Grace.” Grace, f’rinstance.

I had to tape something else and wasn’t able to tape OR watch W&G this week.

Would someone pretty please bring me a tape of this week’s episode? If you still have it? There’s a shoulder massage in it for ya.

Or if the thought of receiving pleasure from the touch of a bi guy makes you uncomfortable, I’ll trade you for a blank tape or something.
Help! I need some witty gay banter.