DFW Dopers! Zyada's Italian birthday BYOB and meet some FW dopers!

So in this thread Bad News Baboon, bdgr and I agreed on a weekend we could get together, on May 4th.

Which just happens to be the weekend of my birthday. So I want everyone to come. We’ve picked an Italian food joint called Rocco’s pasta: Map. This place is a good very small Italian place that doesn’t serve alcohol but lets you bring your own.

BTW, you can check out the map, but getting there is easy. Drive to I-30 and Collins, go south(right if you’re coming from FW, left if you’re coming from Dallas), turn right on Rd to Six Flags, and left into the parking lot by Jason’s Deli. Rocco’s is just two or three doors down from Jason’s. If you see Half-Price Books, you’ve gone too far. (But it’s the same parking lot). Heck, we could make Half-Price an aprés dinner jaunt.

May 4th, 7PM
Rocco’s Gourmet Pasta in Arlington
BYOB - setups provided
Bring a camera, the walls are a hoot.

We need a head count. So far, I think I have
Bad News Baboon
Lord Jim

I can’t see quite that far into the future as yet, but if I can I’d love to celebrate a mutual birthday weekend with you again, Z (we did that two years ago).

Didn’t we do that last year, too? I thought you came up here for our (nearly-)shared birthday.

I’d love to see you again, darling. If you are going to be able to come, tell me what you want to drink and I’ll make sure we have some.


That’s a Saturday night, right?

Mrs. Chef will almost certainly have to work. I’ll see if she minds if I come out.

would friday be better chef?

oh, and for the head count, I am bringing along Mr Baboon.

btw, is this the place that has a mural of 'the creation of man" ?
I think I have been there!

If we’re going to have a BYOB party in Arlington, why can’t we go somewhere like Club Legends? :wink:

I don’t like to plan things so far in advance, but this seems like a good enough occasion. Yeah, I’ll go.

B.N.B.: Yes, Friday would definitely be better, but don’t fash your plans just for us. She’ll send me without her, it wouldn’t be the first time. Plus if I come without her and Chef Jr., I can stay later, and all the flirting I’m going to do can be R instead of PG-13. wink

Pete: I thought for sure that sound file would be Cameron from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off saying, “I’ll go. I’ll go. I’ll go. I-jzsght–I-I’ll go.”

I’m a maybe - I might have a conflict with singing lessons and an overnight in Houston. :slight_smile: Count me as a definite ‘If I can.’

Ziactrice - you’re taking singing lessons? Can I pick your brain about the experience (e.g. cost, how you like your instructor, how much you feel you’re getting out of it, etc.)?

I am open to either night. let the birthday girl decide.

where’s Grace?

Another party?!?! For Zy! Hey, you know me, if I can make it, I’ll sure be there. We Hammacks gotta stick together, after all. :wink:

goes to pen in the date

I can’t make it at all. :frowning: I’m going to be in Biloxi, finalizing wedding plans.

Y’all have fun without me.


Well, either night works for me.

Purrrrrrp - does Saturday or Friday work better for you?

Saturday’s definitely easier for me (driving in from Houston). If it’s Friday and I can do it, I probably can’t arrive before 10:00 PM.

But y’all decide your date, as I still cannot commit.

Saturday is best - I’ll probably be flying in Friday night. :smiley:

(must buy tickets NOW!)

Mrs. Chef says not to move it to Friday on her account.

Saturday works for me - it remains to be seen whether Chef Jr. is coming. I’m leaning towards “not” unless MTGman and MoxMaiden come with their herd.

Another vote for keeping it Saturday. Friday night is bad for me.

Hey, do we need a wine count?

Saturday it is.

I have three bottles to contribute to the cause.

2 red, one white.

OH, Sorry,
I didnt see the post about asking Purple bear.

I withdraw my definative statement about Saturday.

oh goodie, Ringo will be there. I can get more advice on my business! :slight_smile: :wink: