Did America deserve 9/11?

Let’s get it out here for all to see, hey?

Personally I believe that American foreign policy in the Middle East by sponsoring Hawkish Israel, and tyrants like Saddam, the Saudi Royal family.

Interventionism in South America - Chile, Argentina, outright attack on Panama.
Have these actions built up enough outrage against the US to provoke attacks like 9/11?

I’m not American, and maybe I’ve got a different perspective on these issues. What do you say, are the chickens coming home to roost?

I hope you realize that there is a huge difference between these two questions.

You have the most screwed up ideas of morality I have ever encountered.

Here’s a penny, go buy a clue.

Or a conscience.

From Merriam Websters Online

I post this to familiarize you with the term.
5 minutes till this get sent to the BBQ Pitt, or locked by the Mods. :rolleyes:

No, meweus, the U.S.A. did not deserve those terrorist attacks.

ditto No, meweus, the U.S.A. did not deserve those terrorist attacks.

Well done hiding the touched nerve there. I think the OP has a valid question.

To answer the OP - those poor people who died didn’t deserve it. Fuck no. but did America do enough to provoke that type of attack? Sure.

No country deserves to have thousands of innocent citizens die.

Perhaps some people believe America deserved (or deserves) to have its knees cut out from under it in some way, to get them to gain a new perspective of their global role or to punish them for the things you referenced, but I can’t imagine any non-extremist would reply affirmatively to your particular query.

I lost two friends who worked at the WTC. One was the mother of a 3-month-old infant. Did that little girl “deserve” never to know her own mother?

If this were in the Pit, I’d tell you exactly what I think of you and your question.

Did Spain deserve the bombing in Madrid?

Did Australia deserve the bombing in Bali?

There is a difference between attacking a government and attacking civilians. The Koran, I’ve heard, specifically forbids the killing of non-combatants. I’m no fan of U.S. foreign policy. Do I deserve to be killed simply because I was born in this country, even though I don’t support what the government is doing?

Terrorists delude themselves into thinking they’re “freedom fighters”. In reality, they are just murderers who are condemned to hell by their own religion.

A more accurate question, which actually references what happened in real life, is this:

Did the specific people who were killed in the 9/11 attacks deserved to be murdered?

“America” was not murdered. Three thousand specific, individual people, most of whom were American but some not, were murdered.

It strikes me as obvious that the answer is no.

No, absolutely not.

That’s not to say that American foreign policy didn’t make it a possibility. Foreign policy in the US has it’s dark side.

That doesn’t mean that what happened on September 11th was right. No one deserves any of that.

You mean it also has a light side?

Not deserved but inevitable.

Inevitable that someone, somewhere finally had enough of the euphemistically 'dark side of US foreign policy.

I probably would say deserved if I had some first hand experience of this ‘dark’ side of US policy.

For example, if I was the parent of a child who deceased as a result of US led trade embargos against my country.

Some guy cut me off in traffic. I got pissed off at this, so I followed him home and killed him.

Did he do enough to provoke that type of attack? In the eyes of an irrational person, sure.

just replying to the OP:

In a way, yes, we live in a world full of evil, in that respect, we should have known better and have perpared more. We thing we are so advanced that we are above such horrors, but in reality we are just being deceived.

You really think this is a sensible metaphor for post-WW2 US foreign policy?

Sorry I don’t buy this. You are supposed to be a democracy. You elected Reagan that murdered Nicaraguans by the thousands. You elected all the presidents that starting with Truman killed millions of vietnamise. I could provide more examples all the night.
The point is that you are all responsable for all the deaths your goverment has caused.
Of course if we accept that your crimes can be punished by 19 madmen and a couple of planes, we have no future. So the answer is no. Barbarism has to be stopped not fomented.
Historian will say that my country began to recover from it’s “dirty war” against terrorism, when the principal responsables, the army apologized in public for the atrocities it comitted. It doesn’t sound as much, but believe me I will always remember the army chief’s speech, it is a first step.
I would like to hear an american president doing the same thing.

It’s a pretty poor analogy, don’t you think so? Want to try again?

[QUOTE=Nightwatch Trailer]
No country deserves to have thousands of innocent citizens die.


Agreed. Trust you feel the same way about the thousands upon thousands of innocent dead Iraqis.

What is “America”, exactly? “Deserved” is a word that should applied to actual humans, not concepts, like a nation. A nation doesn’t deserve anything, isn’t guilty of anything, and doesn’t feel anything. Individuals, on the other hand, can deserve what they get.
So, in my mind only the question “did people who were killed on the 9/11 deserved to be killed?” would make sense. Asking “was this worst that whatever was done in the past by the US somewhere else?”, “can this action and its motivations be explained/understood” or “was there a valid and/or useful purpose, or a moral justification for killing these people?” would make sense too. But the actual question you asked doesn’t, IMO.

Ah, you mean those innocent dead Iraqi civilians that we deliberately targeted and killed?