Did Bush have a cheat sheet at the debates?

Yes he most certainly did. Visual proof…


Or do you reckon that’s the menu for the debate loss dinner?

I never get involved in your threads Reeder

but you gotta admit, it didn’t particularly help him even if he did.

I guess I don’t see what you’re seeing. I see something vague on the podium that could be printed information, handwritten notes, or the podium itself.

I bet Karl Rove doctored this photo and has distributed it so that the us lefties will talk about the possibility that Bush cheated in the debates, thus diverting attention from Bush being out-debated by Kerry and making us look like nutso conspiracy loons!!! Good catch, Reeder!

(Do not under any circumstances interpret the above as being spoken in a serious tone of voice. The voice of Roger Rabbit coming off of a 3-day meth binge would be more appropriate.)

I know both candidates had paper on the podium with them. I know John Kerry took furious notes when Bush spoke. I’m pretty sure they both had tables of facts-it’s hard to keep that shit straight if you don’t have a table.


I just kept snickering whenever Kerry was writing a lot on the paper. I had visions of him drawing cartoon pictures of Bush being attacked by cartoon tanks, airplanes, nukes, or whatever.

There was one point in the debate, I don’t remember the exact time, but I turned to my friends who were watching with me and said “I think Bush has some stuff written on his arm. I can just imagine him rolling back his sleeve and having a list of world leader’s names written down”. But of course I was joking and wouldn’t be loony enough to actually start a thread about it.

Ah, classic Reeder. Where you been, dude. It’s been so long, I didn’t think you cared any more.

BTW, must compliment the OP’s sharp eyesight, for being able to read that paper, if that’s what it is, on Bush’s lectern.

I was able to import the picture into Photoshop, run it through a couple filters and sharpen the contrasts.

It’s exactly as I thought. A pixelated and jumbled mass.

You got a picture of Bush’s brain? :confused:

It’s a small file.

Why would he have written notes, when he had a tiny earphone linking him to Karl Rove?

Oh dear god. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Does anyone else hear that cuckoo clock, or is it just me?

Hmpff. Upon mention of Rove, my file became corrupted!

Here, this is what he had. :cool:

Reeder, you are no Matt Drudge, so stop trying.

Obviously a fake – there aren’t enough misspelled words. :wink:

So what if he did? Whenever I have to do a presentation in front of a lot of people at work or school, I always have whatever kind of information in front of me that I can. Why should GWB be any different?

The rules said he couldn’t.

That said, this thread is yet another piece of bullshit; the moral equivalent of the Swifties.

Okay, fair enough.