Did Goering say this?

I’m putting this in GQ because all I’m interested in is whether it is a legitimate quote. I received it in an email today, so it carries with it all the validity associated with such things:

Snopes says it’s true. Also a nice commentary from Google answers.

Snopes says that, yep, he said it alright. Specifically, it was a comment he made while he was in jail during the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal.

Yes, and according to Snopes, he said it at the Nuremburg Trials.

Wow, a triple simulpost. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of those before.

[nitpick]He didn’t really say it at the Trials. The trials were taking place, but he said this during a private conversation with a psychologist.[/nitpick]

Also, I’ve seen this quote misattributed to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi’s minister of propaganda. But it was Goering who said it.

Ha ha! Smoked you guys! And with an additional cite.

buffs knuckles on shirt while that Clint Eastwood/Sergio Leone spaghetti Western music plays in the background

Yes, it’s an authentic quote, though I’m not sure what it’s supposed to prove… except that, after spending months spreading a bogus quote, supposedly from Julius Caesar, the anti-war Left needed some new quote to “prove” that G.W. Bush was evil and manipulative.

And sometimes you really are attacked, and sometimes so-called “peacemakers” really do expose the country to danger.

Without commenting on the current situation, World War II held many examples of this. So astorian is right, this quote doesn’t demonstrate anything.

And the part of the OP which says that all that was wanted was authentication without accompanying commentary, that was what? Chopped liver? Or are the rules suspended if you can bash the “anti-war Left”?

Thank you all and shame on me for not snoping it in the first place.

He probably said that a lot.

Excuse my post. I opened the thread and it went no further than this:

I’m putting this in GQ because all I’m interested in is whether it is a legitimate quote. I received it in an email today, so it carries with it all the validity associated with such things:

which I’m sure he did say a lot.

Whenever I hear the word “chopped liver” I reach for my revolver.

Fortunately for you, given the “no death threats” rule here at the Dope, I get the allusion. ;j




DrMatrix - GQ Moderator