Did HRC Back Up Her Charges (Regarding Trump)?

Trump: It wasn’t ISIS and it wasn’t made at the time, and she lied.

Of course Trump doesn’t have any evidence that his words weren’t being used.

Eh. Trump is running scared.

Still, an important point, not ISIS but an affiliate of AlQ, from the moderate wing of barking mad Islamic fanaticism. This crucial fact seems to have eluded someone who claims to have been a Secretary of State!

That’s because there is a significant segment of the US population who wants to kill them. I know. I’m surrounded by people who think nothing of saying things along the lines of kill all the Muslims or bomb them all. Or they shouldn’t be allowed in the country or should be kicked out of the country or they shouldn’t be allowed to bring their religion when they immigrate. (Course, the fact that the Europeans who came here brought their religions and didn’t convert to the indigenous religions will never – not in a hundred years – cross their minds.)

Now, I don’t think they have a problem with the Muslims in Indonesia. (You should have seen the look I got recently when I pointed out that the most populous Muslim country was Indonesia. Not somewhere in the Mideast.) But these people don’t know that the biggest chunk of Muslims is in Indonesia. (And I doubt some of them could find Indonesia on a map.)

I’d like to see a poll on this. A simple question: Would you support the killing of all Muslims?

I suspect the “Yes” percentage would be a significant minority. However, last time I checked you can find a significant minority that support any number of crackpot ideas. But it’s still not a comfortable number…and you should try living being surrounded by that number.

You can’t possibly know that.

Well, no, she knows the difference. You’re the one who is confused about what she said.

I can. It’s purple!

But I’m sure that I’m disqualified because I don’t have any problems with Islam. Well, that’s not 100% true. I have the same problems with Islam that I have with any organized religion. George Carlin said (about government, but the same general principle holds true in religion), “Government want to tell you things you can’t say because they’re against the law, or you can’t say this because it’s against a regulation, or here’s something you can’t say because its a…secret; You can’t tell him that because he’s not cleared to know that. Government wants to control information and control language because that’s the way you control thought, and basically that’s the game they’re in.”

The U.S. government doesn’t act like that though.

Having this guy on TV emboldens these people to say these things out loud. After all, Trump says it and he’s on TV running for President. People who were racist tended to keep it to themselves, or at least not to utter it in polite company. Now, the lid is off.

I’m in rural Texas, so I am surrounded by those folks. Of course, the big ethnic minority (soon to be majority) here is Hispanic folks, mostly of Mexican heritage. Because I am white, some people think it is okay to say horrible things around me. It’s ridiculous.