Did I break something?

Dear Lynn or Tuba:

Fifty lashes with a wet noodle for me! I was in the Pit looking at the first page of that “Why are Gays posting in “non Gay” threads?” train wreck, and hit the “>>>last page” button at the bottom of page one. I got the following message:

I didn’t know I had a needle, or that it’s lenght was 0. I’ve apparently caused an “Oops”! This concerns me in a deep, emotional way.

What I need to know, however is: should I be concerned that my needle’s length is 0? Should I consult an astrologer about it? A phrenologist? Have my crop-circles read?



(Actually, I just wanted to let Jerry or whoever know about this, in case it’s not a random board-burp.)

Now you understand why they came up with that acronym for Object Oriented Programming Systems! :smiley:

Looks like something got misread by the server, causing a garbage request to be sent to the database software. I’m going to guess that you should be fine with a refresh. That’s what I do when I get error messages like that.

That happens sometimes when the database gets really bogged down. It stops responding, and then the vBulletin software spits out a bunch of errors.

I get that sometimes when trying to load threads, stupidly, in the middle of the day.

This isn’t, by any chance, a really long thread? Like, 500 replies or so? I seem to recall that that would give similar symptoms.

Yeah, you broke something Fenris. It’s expensive too. Go and get your chequebook, bucko.