Did I just narrowly miss meeting a fellow Doper? SDMB Plates!

I don’t want to put anyone on the spot if they’re not inclined to share their location, but this struck me as unusual enough to post. Yesterday I took my teenaged daughter to a trendy, granola-hippy-Birkenstock-tie-dye store in the Northern Illinois suburbs (it’s a very cool store, incidentally - I bought m’self a pretty silver-and-freshwater-pearl ring). Anyhow - in the parking lot was a red small truck or SUV or whatever you wanna call it, with an Illinois license plate that read SDMB (and some numbers, which I won’t divulge for obvious reasons).

The only place I can ever think that I’ve seen those letters in that order is, of course, here. And Illinois non-vanity plates are generally two letters and four or five numbers, or else all numbers. So… who’d I miss meeting?? And what did you buy?

Coulda been:


Funny, Q.E.D! Who knew? But the “streets of the University of Illinois” are a couple hundred miles from McHenry county, which is where I was.

The combined might of the Sun Devils Marching Band and the Sonoran Mountain Bicyclists Club will bury the infidels, using Satellite Digital Multimedia Broadcasting!

:dubious: SMBC? They must have a great team cry. SUMBITCH!

Whoops…:eek: I meant the

Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists. I had them confused with the People’s Front of Judea.

Interesting…All I can say is that my username has a lot to do with my license plate… :smiley:

Meatros, are you a sailor?