Did Jesus ever get mad?

Four couples, at least (I don’t recall the passage mentioning Noah being a gramps).

If I were an apocalyptical, couldn’t convince the peeps that the world was ending in my (his) lifetime, AND couldn’t read, yeah, I’d smash things. :smiley:

He smashed up the moneychangers in the temple becaues they’d made His Church into a get-rich-quick scheme.

He killed the fig tree because it had leaves, but no figs. Fig trees only produce leaves when they have figs. So, that was an example of false-advertisement (think of the people who claim to be Christian while acting hateful)

He was against the hypocracy of the pharisees because they were supposed to lead the people’s spiritual learning, instead they taught ‘do these minimum acts and your covered.’ (For example, never, ever, ever use an elevator on Sundays… not even if a person is dying and needs help. Jesus saw helping the person as more important than following some stupid rule – remember he healed on a sabath day, the horror of it!)

If there were a loving and kind god, we would not have blister packs. Or if there were a righteous god, he would do some serious smiting (blister pack designers, telemarketers, etc.).

that sounds more fun then the one where he fought the vampire lesbians with a mexican wrestler…

If you watch this documentary footage, you’ll see Jesus getting mad: Terminator Parody - YouTube

How does he feel about jaded mandarins?

IIRC, one of his daughters-in-law gave birth on the Ark.

As for getting mad, in Luke 5:24, when he was asked to heal someone, but when his “your sins are forgiven” method was challenged as blasphemy, he pretty much said, “Be that way - you, get up, grab your couch, and return home!”, whereupon the sick person did just that.

It depends on which gospels/books you believe, from the Master:

In fairness:

He needs to come back for a visit, there are plenty of churches nowdays that are get-rich-quick schemes.

He seemed kinda ticked off at his disciples for falling asleep while he was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.

I’ve never been real biblical, but even when I was little and reading that passage, it seemed like he was more frustrated that his end was near, there was nothing he could do about it, and his friends just weren’t taking him seriously. He was basically, frantically scared.

It’s certainly not fact that he had siblings. That is the Protestant view. “Brother” was used to describe basically all family members and even friends.

He got pretty pissed when my Mom accidentally ran over his lawnmower. She paid for it, and he calmed down.


Also about throwing the money changers out of that temple thing? If there IS something beyond death what are the bankers/bank employees and those folks who exchange money at the airports gonna do/say?


So basically Jesus was Anthony Fremont from the Twilight Zone?

Jesus’ anger so scared the rabbit that the rabbit began pooping purple eggs each Easter for ever after.


As long as they’re not faded, I think you’re okay.

Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple with a whip he made on the spot out of cords. I hope he was mad, because I’d hate to think that’s the kind of stuff he does when he’s calm.