Did Kristen Stewart ruin her career?

See the referenced film “The Runaways” for a lesbian scene with Dakota Fanning, if that will suffice.

Huh, I keep picturing Dakota Fanning as an overly-precocious 10 year-old. I guess it’s time to have my viewpoint adjusted.

The movie can be viewed for free (legally) via Crackle.com’s YouTube channel, so it’s not as if you have to even pay to rent it.

Um, yeah, them.

I have yet to read a story about the upcoming movie version of On the Road without also reading the sentence “…and Kristen Stewart spends most of the movie topless…”

It’s mildly creepy to be honest.

Sounds like she wishes to drive a stake through Bella’s heart and establish herself as an adult. It was either that, or post a sex tape.

Agreed. But the fixation on it among film writers is really pinging my “creepy old man” meter.

She’s 22.

The very, very end of the spectrum creep-o meter is:

  • barely legal teens (18)
  • too young to buy beer (19 - 20)

22 is fair game. Some number has to be. Might as well be 22. I don’t care if the writer is 56. Why would I hold him to the standard of age-appropriate ogling? There’s a lot more young hot girls in the world than there are Diane Lanes.

Nah, can’t see it ending her career. Presumably she and Pattinson will both be back for the next Twilight film and then they’ll make nice for publicity. Could cause a bit of friction on set, though.

Yes, of course I would. I mean, in the UK that wouldn’t even be legal.

I’m not saying it’s illegal or something. It’s just offputting that every article related to the first film adaptation of a classic book… that has had a long development history… that features a very impressive cast… that has been getting good reviews… go unmentioned so the author can get excited about finally being able to see Bella Swan’s titties.

Filming is done. The movie’s in theaters sometime in November.

Is that the last film? I thought there were more to come, but I’ve only read the first one (and thought it was terrible) so I could well be wrong.

Am I alone in thinking that the entire Stewart/Pattinson relationship was a studio setup and she was his beard?

When you’re dealing with a waif like Pattinson, I believe it’s called stubble. Coined by George Michael, I think.

I think Liz Taylor survived breaking up Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds…

The more important issue is… The Great Gatsby and On the Road… how bad will these movies screw those who loved the books… lol… I think… its probably gonna be a nasty fest…

"I think of Dean Moriarty… i think of Old man Moriarty… I think of Dean Moriarty…