Did They Raise the Legal Driving Age to 18 or Not?

My daughter wanted to know this. I heard some where they did and then I heard it didn’t pass.

I hope it didn’t because that is a rip off that you have to wait until you are 18 to drive. I didn’t have to, gov’t officials didn’t have to. Why should kids today have to?

I’m from Texas if that matters on this.

In missouri thats the law. Its state by state thing. In Kansas, a few miles away, its possible to get one at 16. How do like them apples?

The minimum age for driving is 16 in most states but some states will not allow unrestricted driving until 18. Some car rental agencies refuse to rent a car to any person under 25 years of age. Other agencies will rent to young drivers but require an added surcharge. Some rental agencies in the US will not rent to drivers over 71 years of age.


I live in Ohio and the driving age is 15 and a half. I just got my permit in June.

Easy enough to check, assuming DPS keeps their site up to date:

BTW, the “I didn’t have to, gov’t officials didn’t have to. Why should kids today have to?” is a specious arguement. By that logic, we could never pass a new law without grandfathering every living American. Silly.

At least in Illinois, you do not have to be 18 to drive but you do have to complete drivers ed and a traffic program. The traffic program (if you pass) will send in for a blue slip that will let you get a license before you’re 18.

I’m 16, I live in Texas, and I got my license 2 days ago. But, I hear that I would probably be of the last 16 year old drivers in Texas due to a new law. It depends on your daughter’s birthday, and when she started driver’s ed.

"Some rental agencies in the US will not rent to drivers over 71 years of age. "

<old fart joke>
I wouldn’t imagine they get much repeat business.
</old fart joke>