Did Trump Miscalculate?

For a year and a half, people have said after every Trump outrage that this time is different. This time people will see what he really is. This time his supporters will have to denounce him. This time they’ll refuse to continue their support.

This time Trump equates neo-Nazi hatemongers with peaceful counterprotestors and fails to label driving a car into a crowd as terrorism, even though he was extremely quick to do so when brown faces were involved.

This time the only proper response to this is old and moss covered. “Until this moment, … I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. … You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?”

Ivanka tweeted a pure anti-Nazi blast. Republican Congresspeople including Orrin Hatch, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Cory Gardner, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen attacked his wishy-washy statement with the last saying, “White supremacists, Neo-Nazis and anti-Semites are the antithesis of our American values. There are no other ‘sides’ to hatred and bigotry.” Heck, Melania beat him with a tweet by 40 minutes.

Nazis. White domestic terrorists. Fields seems to unquestionably be a supporterof everything beloved by the hate groups gathered at Charlottesville. If there is a line in American politics, we’ve jumped over it. Unless there is no line at all anymore.

I just checked and found no new response from Trump. He’s gotten away with everything, every single thing, up till now, so I hate to be the one who says “this time…” Nazis, though. I mean, Nazis. Think about that.

Where do you see this going? Is this any kind of a breaking point or can nothing ever be too low?

No. Fascists will say all of those speaking against them are conspirators in the Deep State, bent on suppressing their First Amendment rights. If you disagree with them, then you’re incredibly naïve… or else part of the conspiracy.

See Adriana Cohen’s We all need to heed the president’s call to halt hate to see how diehard Trump supporters are spinning this.

Article’s claim: After years of Obama promoting violence, we finally have a leader willing to say “no more”.

Around 35-40 percent of Americans are either white supremacists themselves, or are willing to tolerate white supremacists as long as they get tax cuts and religious zealots on the Supreme Court. That number shoots up to just over 50% of the members of Congress.

Nothing has changed. The white supremacists, emboldened by Trump’s failure to condemn them, will stage more rallies. They will bring more guns. Counter protesters will come with weapons too. Second Amendment solutions all around. These confrontations will get steadily bloodier, and Trump will not intervene.

And a few representatives or senators will express grave concern while going about the business of making sure money moves to the right people.

There is no breaking point. Trump’s rabid supporters are well rabid.

Trump however will probably face a serious primary challenge at least and baring a royal screw-up of the like that even the Democratic Party can’t easily accomplish, even if Trump wins the primary, he will lose to semi-decent Dem Candidate.

We’re still waiting for him to denounce the mosque bombing in Minnesota.

It isn’t* mis*calculating; he goes for base instinct, including his own.

When are people going to stop assuming that there is some point where the President will manage to turn the Republican Party against him through things he says. Absent either definitive evidence he and his campaign colluded with a foreign power in the election, or an actual action that is so out of the realm of acceptability (legally or politically) by a President, he’s going to remain President for the full four years.

And if that happens, the question then becomes: to what extent will his base respond to his likely exhortations to burn America down?

What in his term of office hasn’t been that?

You may be right that his party will never turn on him, but that says a lot about the party, and about those who choose to continue to support it regardless.

Well on the bright side, I suspect only a small number of his rabid supporters will be violent in face of the combined actions of the National Guard, Police & FBI supported by both parties.

Trump has brought white supremacists into the White House with him, and he openly courted their vote. The most you’ll ever get out of him, maybe, is a PR aware phony admonishment of it. “Oh yeah, white supremacy is bad, along with many other bad things.”


Good for Ivanka and Melania, among others.

Obama kinda played the same game with Islamic terrorism, he did not mention it by name often enough. Obama got away with it for years, I think Trump probably will too. I think the most important thing here is that a Trump led Federal Government prosecutes Right wing terrorism with the adequate might & backing of government resources. It’s legal prosecution here that is more important than Presidential condemnation, but even so the President has condemned this act. He just hasn’t condemned it in the way some would prefer.

Having said all that I do think he should have mentioned the group by name. I just don’t think his inability to do so is as important as some are suggesting.

Obama did not use the term “Islamic” terrorism, because he did not want to link the legitimate religion of Islam with the criminal terrorists. Geez, Louise, get this straight, okay? It’s been pointed out only a zillion times.

Legal prosecution and Presidential condemnation aren’t mutually exclusive.

Not “some,” but MANY. You are wrong on this. It is important that the President did not take a clear stand on this. But it’s also completely predictable. And predictable that “some” will not condemn him for his refusal to take a stand. *Quod erat demonstrandum. *

He did take a stand on it. He condemned it. Stop trying to rewrite the narrative here. We all heard what he said and didn’t say. I have problems with what he didn’t say, but that problem was not lack of condemnation.

Get semantic all you want, he used the same old “They do it too” argument to minimize the premeditated acts of the white supremacist groups.

And you’re buying right into it. Color me unsurprised.

Many will denounce, and some already have denounced, this particular bit of mealy mouthedness. But they’ll still continue to support him, by and large. It’s not an either/or proposition.

Im not buying into it. I said he should have mentioned this white supremacist/Nazi group by name in his condemnation. I was simply responding to someone who claimed he didn’t condemn this act of violence. He did.

Why people have a tough time understanding this is baffling.