Did you all change all of your clocks in the MMP?

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s been a crazy day here. It’s 13c/56f outside and cloudy, which means it’s drizzling. Weather app says “Calm your tits, it’s not that fucking bad outside” which translates to the fact that weather app has spent the day in my office, and hasn’t ventured out there at all. I have, I went out to put rubbish in the bin and it was a grim experience…helped only by the fact that the bin is a dozen steps from the front door.

We changed out clocks at the end of October so I’ve already been through the trauma - the only ones in the house I had to manually change were my alarm clock, wristwatch, and the cooker clock. We got stuck in traffic coming home from Preston so while we weren’t moving, I changed the clock in the car too.

Good morning, everybody! 7 different non-selfadjusting clocks got changed around the house. The last one I did before I left for work this morning - the large battery powered clock above the entry to the kitchen, which needed a step stool to reach. Changed the battery while I was up there.

Saturday was the 10th birthday of my favorite local brewery, so I showed up for the party. Nothing like being on the VIP list and drinking free beer all day to liven up a weekend! Today is drizzly, with rain predicted through at least Wednesday morning. This is a good thing, since it will mean snow for the mountains and hopefully a good deal of snowpack for the Sierras.

Hope everybody has a fun and productive (short) week! Friday is Veteran’s Day, and would have been Mom’s 107 birthday. Thanks to all our vets and mothers! Fly low, stay loose and don’t sweat the petty shit.

Guten Morgen.

it’s 37f here and cloudy, heading for upper 40s.
OOps. Didn’t mean to post yet, so editing.
I changed 1 clock. 3, or 4, more to go. I don’t remember if the car changes automatically or not.
I hate this nonsense.

You just described my life. I was just fine during the plague and couldn’t understand why everybody was seemingly so upset and weird.

Y’all have a great week out there.

Lunch break!! I’ve just about finished the windows - all that remain are the sliding door in the dining room, the kitchen window, and the little window in the stairwell. Even with tilt-in windows, it’s a lot of work. The worst one was the smaller window in the guest room - I had to kneel on the bed to reach it, so a bit awkward moving around there.

Our convenience center is closed for a few weeks - they’ve been doing some work there and it’s to the point where they can’t have anyone coming in while they work. I found directions to the next-closest one and FCD will take the trash there tomorrow. He had to go to his folks’ this morning.

His dad is getting really bad - he actually made a fist and threatened MIL. Even is she would consent, they can’t afford a nursing home or any other form of long-term care. Poor FCD is so stressed. He got his dad an appointment with an alzheimer’s specialist - in January… nothing sooner. I’m going to do a little looking for him. I find it hard to believe there’s no one available.

On the plus side, it’s a beautiful day and the house is open to get the last bit of fresh air before the next cold front pushes thru. Which reminds me - I need to clean the pellet stove. Always something.

Back to work then.

Morning, all! Not only am I off work all week, but last night I got an email from the county office of elections: I’m officially off the hook for tomorrow (in terms of possibly having any election day election officer duties). If I’d gotten an assignment I’d be looking forward to helping out, but this works out just fine…especially since I’m already not completely slothing this week, what with today’s and Wednesday’s 4pm-8pm training classes.

If you type the word “election” enough times it starts looking really weird!!

So now, instead of working the election tomorrow I’ll meet up with my BFF (she and her hubby are retired) and we’ll do something. Most likely involving shopping of some kind, and lunch at Chick-Fil-A. Not a bad way to spend a Tuesday off, even if Northern Virginia will be back to autumn weather.

Most of my clocks changed automatically: two iPads, two cell phones, three computers, and my car (which I won’t verify until tomorrow). Manual updates were made to the clocks on the microwave and stove, in the bathroom, on top of the piano, and on my desk. The update to my dog’s internal clock has repeatedly failed to install.

I woke up to an email from the drummer I’d hired for December’s show, so earlier this morning I sent his cancellation payment via Venmo, cancelled the FB event, and posted notifications on FB and Instagram. That’s the last of the “cleanup” I had to do.

Thanks to all for the related support (and LOL, FCM!!). I’m not preemptively closing the door on any opportunities that might arise (e.g., being a guest vocalist), and singing jazz is still my retirement plan – assuming I’m able to wrangle enough income :crossed_fingers: – but for the moment I’m putting a bow on 13 years of lessons, workshops, trying to get gigs, etc. I might try to find a cover band to sing with, or something. Maybe I’ll finally do something about the idea I’ve had forever of putting together an Indigo Girls tribute band. Or maybe I’ll simply focus on the day job and my volunteer stuff for a while, and play some softball in the spring…

…aaaand now I’m just rambling. :smiley:

It’s only 11:45am, but I think it’s time to get some lunch and go hang out in the living room with Bailey for a few hours. It’ll be weird to come back to this room later and stay in here through dinnertime, so I want to make sure I get some quality time with her on the couch (she won’t touch me or want to be petted, she’ll just want to be next to me…but I’ll definitely take it).

Oh, how scary and heartbreaking for all involved. :frowning:

Automatic clocks:
phone, 2 PCs, laptop
Microwave,coffee maker, stove, analog clock in living room, 2 VCRs.
Clock that gets signal from US Gov’t to sychronize time, but stays 55 minutes fast, because “Screw you, buddy!”:
bedroom alarm clock

Heaving went well. Remember me telling you about the guy vying to become heir to the slacker king? They made hime a PT supervisor. in 200 North boxline. Where I go after heaving. Oy.

Good morning! Today I have to make phone calls, walk to the pharmacy, go to the gym (no lifting and no intensity on the treadmill because I’m a good girl–in most ways, anyway–who’s following doctor’s orders), and make soup. Oh, and my daughter will call this evening. They were driving home from Portland all day yesterday, so no call.

The only clock I have yet to set is hard to get and presents a challenge that must be met. It’s way up near the 9-foot-high ceiling in the kitchen. I have to stand on the counter and strrreeettttcchhhh to reach it.

FCM, how sad and scary that dementia has done that to FIL. Everyone I’ve known who’s had dementia has done or said things that would have horrified them before their minds blurred. My sister had to wait 3 months to get her hubs into an Alzheimer’s specialist. There are few of them and many aged boomers. Fingers crossed you can get FIL in sooner. If anyone can, it’d be you!

Jasmine, do you have a Mumper nickname? If so, I’m sorry, but I don’t know what it is. And yikes on all those work/commute hours!

Whew, yankers, glad daughter’s plane landed safely. I read/heard somewhere that the oxygen only flows for 12 minutes, so that pilot must have acted fast!

flyboy, I wonder if that’s a record for number of clock changes in one day.

ace, that’ll be 2:17 a.m. here, so I’ll miss it. Actually, I usually miss that stuff due to clouds. I’m looking forward to photos online, though!

misnomer, glad the reprieve gives you time with friends. I’ve never been to Chick-Fil-A and probably never will go due to the owner’s anti-LGBTQ stance, but I’ve heard their stuff is yum. (The chain no longer donates to anti-LGBTQ orgs, but the owner, Dan Cathy, still donates big time.) Have a wonderful day with your friends! And I can’t help feeling your stepping back from jazz means something new is about to enter your life, musically speaking.

Clocks and computers all OK.

Haven’t been able to reset the cat yet.

Just got an ad from Purina (yes, I did subscribe to their emails) for a Fancy Feast Advent calendar for the cats. I’d likely need to buy one for each of them, and I think they’re quite spoiled enough as it is. :slight_smile:

Technically, they just need to get to 10,000 ft - then oxygen isn’t required for anyone. Not a huge problem unless you’re flying over the Rockies…

I was dragged to Chic-Fil-A a couple of times, and personally, I found their chicken to be pretty mediocre. Even if I wasn’t avoiding the place because of the idiot owner, I still wouldn’t be inclined to go there.

Windows are done!!! The sliding glass door in the dining room (12 years old) and the kitchen window (18 years old) are both showing signs that the seal between the panes have been compromised. I’d like to replace the dining room door anyway - it’s out of adjustment and the handle is getting loose and the screen doesn’t seat well. Maybe in the spring? The kitchen window is OK so far - just a hint of cloudiness, so maybe another couple of years?

Speaking of spring, that’s when I’ll clean the screens. I didn’t feel like messing with them today.

OK, I think I’ve earned some reading time.

Thanks for the link! I can’t see any of this one, but the next total lunar eclipse is on my birthday. Just have to wait a while.

We did the clock changing the week before, so we’re all settled in.

Bought a bunch of room thermometers, so now hubby wants a new clock in the bathroom. Just has to have luminescent hands, be radio-controlled and be big enough to see. Maybe I’ll just buy a normal clock and paint the hands.

FCM, I can’t believe you’re washing windows in Merrylande in November. The weather’s doing wierd things this year. We should have a lot more snow in the mountains by now. I hope this winter will be wetter than last year’s - the glaciers are receding faster than ever.

Hubby even had to mow the lawn today. And I still need to cut down the roses. Nice to have fresh flowers for free.

Still got the crud. Sneezing, stuffy/runny sinuses, unhappy throat, and oddly enough, my body temperature is running a degree or so LOWER than my usual. Still testing negative for Covid.

I’d cancelled my PT appointment today due to the throat (video call), and got a message on the answering machine from Kaiser. Nice PT guy had to cancel because he’s not feeling well. I haven’t seen him in person for a few weeks, so I’m pretty sure I’m not the guilty party.

We are kinda centered between the Navajo, White Mountain Apache and Yavapai reservations. Sometimes I will entertain myself by watching my tech toys freak out while hubs is driving us across the state.

Jalapeno cornbread and mac and cheese.

I think you win, LOL!

Oh dear. I think I might just hide out in my stitching room for the next month or so just to be safe.

I am so sorry things are getting so bad. Does the state not have any sort of assistance for low income folks? Our state does, but only for folks who have lived here for a while. Because we moved FIL to the state and straight into a care home, we were looking at self paying for three years before he would be eligible, so that wouldn’t be any help for them.

That was always an issue when we lived in California.

Our housekeeper was here today (she was on another cruise so missed her normal day) and shared that she won first place in the costume contest. She also confessed that she wasn’t really that thrilled with her prize (a twenty dollar gift card for the ship’s gift shops and a metal on a ribbon) and would have rather gotten another 10,000 check like last time.

My BFF the empty nester was digging around in some boxes one of her kids left and found some flash paper and powder. She was afraid it was going to explode or something because it was so old and was going to call the fire department to deal with it. I convinced her that it would be better for me to come and pick it up and dispose of it. It had degraded slightly but I still had a few fun minutes throwing fire around so that was entertaining.

I already voted but I’m going to have to go to the polls tomorrow just because I want to see what sort of DOJ presence is there. Yes, yes, I agree. I really do need to get a life!

That was odd. Buddy was curled in my lap when the Walmart delivery guy knocked. Buddy growled as he was getting up. Guess he’s a tad cranky today or something.

Major props for even trying. Music is a tough business and very few can actually make a living at it, as you know. I think jazz is even tougher than most, as the audience is much smaller. A lot of jazz musicians make their living mostly from the American Songbook, which means you’ve got to have something special going on in order for people to want to hear you. Good luck in the future with it.

My day is being spent making a green chili stew: pork shoulder, roasted peppers, onions, garlic, spices and potatoes.

Yep. My daughter mentioned the mac & cheese! So, that’s what dinner will be, along with the cornbread you mentioned! She’ll enjoy that. Thank you!

Son. Sorry if I was vague. The pilot did act fast, or so I heard… :smile:

Probably not, at least in video form. It was just my son and his co-pilot. Pretty sure neither got their phones out. He said the 60 tons of cargo in back remained calm throughout (j/k). Sorry, I forgot not everyone here would know it was pullinKid in the cockpit (He’s a cargo pilot). He said it wasn’t too worrisome, but they had to use their oxygen masks until reaching a low enough altitude. Still no word on what failed.

Wow, that brings back some great memories. Spent a lot of time hunting the areas from Safford to Show Low, and even up toward Holbrook. Once found an orphaned section of Route 66 up there, and drove my truck on it for a few miles at night. I didn’t know what it was, and was bewildered by the empty road with abandoned buildings on it. It was like a Twilight Zone episode. Only found out it was 66 when I got back to town. Another time I was tracking a really big cat (Mtn Lion?) and after going in a circle discovered its tracks on top of my boot tracks. There’s a whole lot of lonesome up there. Don’t know for sure where you are, but it must be really interesting to live in that region no matter where. [looks around at suburb… sighs]

Two clocks in my house didn’t automatically update:

  1. My oven which, let’s be honest, flashes 12:00 a lot more than it actually shows the time, and
  2. My truck’s head unit, as I had to go into the settings menu to toggle the DST setting to make it show the correct time. And this bugs the hell out of me, because it has a GPS. It knows where I am at all times. It should know what my area’s DST settings should be. It has a clock- actually, it has to have an extremely accurate clock, because that’s how GPS devices work. So if it can’t automatically toggle the DST option itself, it’s because one part of the head unit isn’t talking to another part of the head unit. This bugs the crap out of me twice a year.

N.O.T. soup for supper - the veggies are boiling - shortly I’ll have to dump them out, then make the thickened cream portion, do a little mashing, then mix it all together. Yum to follow!

A recipe from who-knows-where popped up on FB yesterday or the day before, for slow-cooker ‘roast’ beef. It’s similar to my dad’s pot roast recipe; but with different stuff on top. This recipe says to put the beef in a slow-cooker and sprinkle ranch dressing mix and au jus mix (or brown gravy mix – I’m using brown gravy mix) on it, put on a stick of unsalted butter, and put pepperoncinis on top. Wifey likes pepperoncinis, but they don’t like her; so I didn’t use any. I put some whole red potatoes around the meat. It’s smelling good after almost five hours.