Did your school have a school song? Any idea what it was? Ever sing it?
I was just listening to a report on NPR talking to graduating seniors in New York, asking how the loss of the two towers affected their lives. It ended with the reporter (who had graduated from the same school eons back) describing her school song, set to the tune of a classical piece (can’t recall - wasn’t listening that closely) and she asked the students she’d interviewed if they knew the school song. They weren’t aware there was one.
Anyway, that got me thinking about my high school - Parkville Senior High, class of '72. At our baccalaureate, we sang our “alma mater” - but it wasn’t special to our school. It was a generic piece they must have picked out of “My Little Golden Book of Alma Mater Songs” - it was embarrassing. If I recall the first couple of lines correctly (and I doubt that I will) it went something like:
Beloved Alma Mater, your sons and daughters raise,
Something something something, something else, praise.
Touching, huh? No where was Parkville mentioned, which is why I’m sure it’s just a generic song.
Was/Is your school more creative? I’d hate to think that everyone was as traumatized as I was by a careless choice of school song. Feel free to share touching or otherwise unique lyrics, if you dare!