Did you stay up until midnight your time New Years Eve?

I stayed up long after midnight. The New Year’s Eve party is a serious tradition in Romania and everybody healthy enough to celebrate it until 3,4 or 5 a.m. will do it regardless of their age. It’s huge really and everybody enjoys it big time. I myself loved it.

I was up till three, but only because I was working.

I’m sure it was past midnight somewhere when I went to bed, just not here. I woke up for midnight though. Couldn’t help it - it sounded like Falujah around here. Idiots with guns, including one nimrod who fired off an entire clip of 9mm (hopefully into a solid, safe target) to celebrate his new year of being too stupid to breathe.

I’m predisposed to be a night owl and have always had to fight it to deal with the rest of the world. Seeing midnight isn’t anything exceptional and I was still up till around 2. I don’t actually recall being aware of midnight though. I likely was walking home from the bar or had just gotten home at the stroke of midnight. I wasn’t really paying attention.

No, he died on April 18, 2012.

I stayed up, mainly because I needed to do some work in order to fulfill my hours and close out my timesheet. Work I could have done in the afternoon, but I was busy net-surfing then.

I’m usually a quite-early to bed person, 9:30 being not unusual, though more so lately. But I always try to stay up and see the ball drop.

My normal work hours are 9:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m., so that’s where I was.

I’ve come to believe, in recent years, that if I’m sound asleep at midnight on NYE, it means I’ll get plenty of sleep in the year ahead. So far that’s worked out pretty well. :wink:

I usually watch the ball drop, but this year was in bed early due to Nyquil. One thing I don’t like about working in retail is the contagion. This time, nasty head cold.

I work at my city’s convention center, and, believe it or not, I catered a wedding reception on New Year’s Eve. Yeah, I rocked slicing that prime rib!

The convention center was also hosting a big New Year’s party, and after the wedding I had to stay and cook shit for that.

Thankfully, I got my ass out of there a few minutes before midnight, drove to the convenience store, and picked up a 6-pack to take home and drink in peace.

I tend to go to bed around midnight most of the time… but I always stay up on New Year’s. This year, I was asleep by 12:30 am, so I went to bed a little earlier than usual, but I’m rarely up later than 1:00 am.

I’m usually up past midnight, although I’m trying to get into the habit of getting to bed earlier because work just sucks on 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Last night I stayed up WAY past midnight, but that was because I was watching the Thin Man marathon on TCM. And at that I gave up after 4 movies and recorded the last two.

First option. Took a 15-minute break from my roleplaying site to watch the ball drop; turned it off right after and went back to roleplaying. Went to bed around 2:30.

My wife and son are out of town visiting my in-laws, so I saw no point to stay up this year.

I stayed up till midnight and went to bed shortly after. I usually go to bed at 11, but midnight is not unusual.

On New Year’s Eve, I follow New Zealand time.

That’s a recipe I do not want.

Stayed up late and partied with my bff. She and I drink well together, and now that I own a place apparently all holidays take place here. We watched a lot of Netflix and played Ladderball in the basement. New Year’s Day involved cooking, naps and drinking (yes, black eyed peas). Not very productive, but it was a jolly enough start for the new year.

I worked till 9 pm on NYE and had to be at work at 9 the next morning.

No way in hell I was staying up to midnight.

I don’t usually stay up way pat midnight, which seems like it would be 2 or 3, but I don’t go to bed right at midnight. I usually go to bed about 1, and that’s what I did on New Year’s Eve.

I had planned for an early night and I went to asleep around 11:30 but woke up shortly after and just stayed up a while. Didn’t intend it so I don’t really count it.