OP from griffen2 in his IMHO thread (Did you vote for Bush? If so, why?)
As a non-US liberal who simply cannot understand why so many people voted for George Bush, I’m very keen to find out why those who voted for him did so. We don’t tend to hear many good things about Mr Bush or his policies (I’ll refrain from calling him President just yet ) and so I’d be very interested in hearing your reasons for voting for him. You don’t have to justify your reasons and you don’t have to defend them (that’s why I put this thread in IMHO, so there would be less chance of people trying to debate you). I’m just very keen on hearing your perspective.
Thanks in advance. [end of quote]
I have read this thread in IMHO and hope it continues because we still need to talk but maybe we can take it down a notch or two this way. I’m asking Kerry voters to post their reasons in the same fashion. No rhetoric, no debate. Just *your * reasons, pure and simple. Maybe this worked for griffen2 because he/she is non-US but let’s give it a shot. I apologize for not linking to the thread (note to self: figure that out ) Since I am US and voted for Kerry, I’ll go first. I am going to try to keep it very simple.
I voted for Kerry because:
I saw him as someone who is willing to re-evaluate his decisions based on new information, even if it means admitting that you were wrong. I don’t call this flip-flopping, I call this honest. I think that ability is an imperitive.
He has a decent ability to negotiate. We live in a very small world and while I appreciate our position of power I think we need to use it wisely.
He believes in the separation of church and state. I believed him when he said he held strong religious beliefs but would not legislate them.
He chose as his running mate someone who did not come from money. Most of our core does not come from money. I think that is important to acknowledge.
I am pro-choice and do not feel that my heterosexual marriage is threatened in any way by allowing SSM and partnerships. I felt Kerry was closer in line with my views here.
I felt he would keep me and mine as safe as anyone can in today’s world.
There. I reread this and it sounds simplistic, naive…and I am tempted to go back and add some empty rhetoric and verbiage. But these are my thoughts and reasons laid out pure and simple.
Any other Kerry voters want to step up?