This thread seems rather pointless since it is obvious from the OP that you aren’t open to being convinced (“Dummmycrats”) but for the sake of other less close-minded folks…
A few random things Kerry will do:
(1) As a general summary, he will base his decisions on fact, evidence, and science rather than basing them solely on ideology (and gifts to the powerful special interests supporting him) and then twisting and cherry-picking the facts to support his position. For example, with Kerry:
(a) We will not have someone who cherry-picks the intelligence on Iraq and then refuses to revise his opinion when Hans Blix tells him the U.S. intelligence isn’t panning out.
(b) He will base decisions on environmental issues, such as global warming, on what the science says and will not try to stack scientific committees to get the answers that he wants or to suppress scientific findings that he doesn’t like.
© We will actually have somthing resembling intelligent political discourse on topics instead of propaganda more fitting of North Korea or Iran than of the United States. For example, he won’t sell his policies with (and maybe even base his policies on) semantic abuse such as the two-valued orientation. (“You are either with us or with the terrorists,” “I had the choice between trusting a madman and defending the United States”.)
(d) We won’t have someone who constantly sells the same snake-oil just in new bottles. E.g., we won’t have a plan to cut taxes for his rich friends first sold as a plan to give the excess surplus back to the people but then resold as a stimulus plan when the economy tanks and the surplusses disappear. (Somewhere in there, I think that there was even a brief attempt to sell it as a deficit-reduction package, a la supply side voodoo.)
Now on to a few specific issues…
(2) Taxes: Kerry will support a more balanced approach to taxes that recognizes that over the last 20 years (1979-2000), the top 1% has already seen after-tax incomes increase by >200% in real terms while those in the middle quintile saw an increase of only 15%. (These numbers were even before the Bush tax cuts.) So, he will recognize that the solution to this is not to make the tax policy favor the top 1% even more.
(3) Fiscal responsibility: He’ll have a little. He won’t drive the country from record projected surplusses to record projected deficits in just a few years.
(4) Spending on programs: When he enacts new spending programs, like a Medicare drug benefit, these programs will actually be designed to help people rather than to be welfare and payback to the pharmaceutical industry.
(5) The environment: He will enforce existing environmental laws, strengthen them where necessary, support bipartisan bills (like the McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act) to start limiting greenhouse gases, and support real investments in renewable energy. He won’t try to weaken the Clean Air Act and use forest fires as a cynical excuse to open the forests up, including old-growth areas, for more logging.
(6) War on terrorism: He won’t waste tens of billions of dollars deploying a missile defense system that doesn’t work. He won’t waste hundreds of billions of dollars toppling regimes that have less relation to al Qaeda than ones who will support. He will take stronger steps to actually track down al Qaeda and to protect our ports, borders, etc.
That’s just a few off the top of my head. I am sure others can add more.