Nope. In order to try to do that, the person in one rocket (let’s say rocket A, it doesn’t matter) must try to read the clock in Rocket B at two different times and make some calculations based on that result. Since the rockets are moving relative to each other, at least one of those two measurements must involve light travelling between the two rockets. Because all observers see light travelling at the same speed, they see symmetric results in this case.
Let’s do it from A’s point of view.
Say that A and B pass each other infinitesimally close at a point where both of their clocks read 12:00 and each is traveling at half the speed of light relative to the other (c/2). Each has some super-duper telescope and watches the other’s clock. At some point A sees B’s clock read 12:01. What time does A’s clock indicate? Assuming A is stationary, B’s clock is running slow relative to A’s by:
t[sub]B[/sub] = t[sub]A[/sub]*sqrt(1 - (c/2)[sup]2[/sup]/c[sup]2[/sup])
or, approximately:
t[sub]B[/sub] = 0.866 *t[sub]A[/sub]
But A knows that B is travelling at c/2, so A is seeing 12:01 on B’s clock at some time after the light left B’s spaceship. So the time on A’s clock is 12:00 plus the time it took for B’s clock to indicate 12:01 plus the time it took for the light to travel from B to A. We know the time it took for B’s clock to indicate 12:01: B’s clock is running at 0.866 the speed of A’s clock, so B’s clock read 12:01 when A’s clock read 12:00 + 1/0.866 = 12:01.1547 or 12:01:9.28. Now for the travel time of the light. When B’s clock read 12:01, A thinks B had been traveling for 1.1547 minutes (69.282 seconds) at c/2, and we’ll take the speed of light as 310[sup]8[/sup] m/sec, so at that time B was (310[sup]8[/sup]/2)69.282 = 10,392,300,000 m away. It took light 10392300000/310[sup]8[/sup] = 34.64 seconds (by A’s clock) for the light to travel over that distance (and, remember, we are assuming that A is not moving, so A didn’t go anywhere during that travel time), so when A sees B’s clock read 12:01:00 then A’s clock reads:
12:01.1547 + (34.64/60) = 12:01.7321 or 12:01:43.923
Although A can’t directly see B’s clock at that instant, A can predict that at that instant B’s clock reads slower by a factor of 0.866 and should read 12:01.50 or 12:01:30.
Now you can go through the same excercise from B’s point of view (hint; interchange A and B and there’s no math at all). They each see the same thing from their parochial point of view.
To finish it out, you should introduce a third observer, C, moving at some different velocity so C passes B at some time and C passes A at some other time. Note that C must be moving faster than B relative to A, or C must be moving faster than A relative to B. The math gets a little more tedious, but not more complex; if A and B compare clocks when they pass, then B and C compare clocks when they pass, then C and A compare clocks when they pass, the answer will be the same no matter who you assume is moving as long as you make sure you always use velocities relative to the point you have assumed is not moving. This is covered in some more detail in the links RM Mentock provided.