I had a long response already written when my pc crashed. Hooray for the gremlins that live in all machines!
Let’s see if I can recreate part of it.
Dinner last night was a complete success. I am not a big pork eater but that sounds delicious. I am not Jewish eventhough my initials spell JEW. That has started many a conversation in addition to many anti-semetic remarks. Sigh, people as we know them.
Anyway, I don’t mind having company. My apartment is fairly small but that is alright. So, Scottie come on over. We (my BF and I) can lock you in the closet and keep you. Also, dropzone, if you convert we will both get a toaster. heheheheh
Now, for tonights meal. I was debating over swiss steak with mashed potatoes and green beans I would make fresh green beans not the nasty canned things.) , pepperoni and black olive pizza, avocado and garlic pizza, or fajita chicken pizza. The fajita chicken pizza won out.
First I will make the dough. I will mix the flour, water, yeast (plus sugar and hot water to proof), salt, a touch of baking powder, and olive oil. I will then knead it vigorously until it has a tough glutenous structure, cover and then let it rise.
Since, I didn’t start the borracho beans last night to make the refried beans today I will have to use canned (UGH!) but that is alright since I will doctor it up. I will put in a canned of refried black beans in a pot, mix with garlic, cumin, cilantro, a small finely diced onion, and pepper (they usually have too much salt added in the canned crap). Put on the burner and cook until it is hot and semi liquified.
Now for the chicken fajitas, I will cube up a chicken breast (you don’t need a lot of meat with this one) and put it in a large plastic ziplock type bag with another small onion that is chopped into long skinny pieces (I don’t know what that is called), cilantro, cumin, salt, pepper (fresh ground of course), oregano (the secret to good fajitas), chili powder, some fresh squeezed lime juice, and several finely diced garlic cloves. I will mix everything around real well and then let it dry marinade.
Now it should be time to punch down the dough and let it rise again. This step isn’t completely necessary but it ensures a better ariated crust (i.e. more air bubbles in the dough).
Now it is time to make the pico de gallo. I will dice up in roughly equal amounts an onion and a tomato. Then I will add fresh finely chopped parsely, minced garlic, and a jalepeno that is sliced up. It would be better with different types of hot peppers like serranos but they are not available up here in a quality that is consistently good. From there, you squeeze in some lime juice and mix well.
There are two things that I should start after about 20 minutes of letting the dough rise, I will start cooking the fajitas in a skillet until they are white all the way through but not carmelized and preheating my pizza stone in the oven at about 500 degrees after dusting it with cornmeal.
From there I will roll out the dough. It should be roughly doubled in size from the time I punched it down last. I will then turn down the oven to the more moderate 425 degrees. I will roll out the dough into a circular shape. I would throw it around but I was never good at that plus my ceilings are too low for that anyway. Then, I will dust the pizza paddle with cornmeal (it keeps the dough from sticking) and put the dough on the paddle. I will then top it with the refried black beans, enough monterrey jack cheese to cover the beans, some cheddar cheese to add colour and flavour (about 1/4 the amount of monterrey jack), top it with about half of the pico de gallo, and then evenly space out the cubed fajitas. I will then put it on the pizza stone and allow it to bake until the cheese is melted and browned and the crust is done (between 20-35 minutes depending on how many topings you put on and the oven’s real heat). Then when I take it out. I will put several dollops of sour cream modestly around the pizza (about one per slice) and add a little more pico de gallo and voila Fajita Chicken Pizza.
I don’t know what I would serve with it, but I suppose it would be a salad of some kind. It is pretty filling on its own though.