Disappearing hosts on "Entertainment Tonight"

(Bob) Goen is Gone – where did he go? And when?

And why is Mary Hart still there? And a big fat WTF on her Shirley Temple ringlets – who the hell told her they look good?

It’s embarrassing to admit I watch this show – and that I spend this much time thinking about it. This OP has been building for months.

Has anyone else noticed the oddness of the fact that they have a revolving door so that the male cohosts are young and pretty, and that Mary Hart (“Another layer of gauze over the camera for Miss Hart, please!”) and the equally ancient Jann Karl are still simpering along?

Don’t get me started on The Insider, with Pat O’Brien and that annoying black chick. I like the blonde with the weird eyes – or I did till last night when she cohosted that special with “Kojo” (would someone please do me a favor and take him out and shoot him?).

Thanks. I feel better now.

I remember Ron Hendren from the early, early days. Mainly I recall critic Gary Deeb constantly referring to him as a “pod person” with that blank smiling expression.

Was he the one with the Richard Simmons afro?

LOL. Dixie Whatley wasn’t much better. I think they got them from the pool of PM Magazine local hosts.

That’s the one, although he seems to have opted fora more traditional do these days.

Can anyone post a link to a pic of the ringlets?


Another link