
This is about a family issue that is now looming bigger and bigger.
Let me preface this by saying I am 45…I have a younger brother, who is 40. He, like all my other immediate family lives in Ohio, while I live in Nevada.

I am an elementary school teacher and I have a ten year old daughter.

My brother Gary and his wife Sharon arranged to have their 17 year old daughter Rachael, to do her senior project in my classroom in January. I thought this was strange, because they were going to fly her out to Nevada to spend a week seeing what it was like being a teacher. After all, there are plenty of school teachers in Ohio. Then, I thought it was also strange because Rachael didn’t want to be a teacher.

Anyway, I was happy with this…because I am close to my brother. My sister in law…well I get along with her all right…I like her, but I don’t feel like she likes me too much and I was also pretty surprised that she would be in favor of sending Rachael out here…They love California, but Nevada, not so much.

Sharon, I think is a good wife to my brother…they’ve been married for many years, but I think she’s a little inconsiderate in that there are times when Gary is left out of the loop and doesn’t have much say in the things they do. Well…to say it plainly, Sharon and Rachael, pretty much run his life.

So Rachael was supposed to arrive tomorrow. I took the day off yesterday to get the house ready for a house guest. Honestly, my daughter and I were completely thrilled about this.

Then, this morning, I got an email from Sharon saying, Rachael wasn’t going to come, she has a lot of commitments with her school, dance class, etc. and sorry for the short notice, Gary, my brother was supposed to call me long before today…

So there you have it…I am hurt and furious with them. Gary is supposed to call me soon…and while I really want to give him a piece of my mind, I don’t want to say anything too personal that I’ll regret because there are a few family weddings this summer that I’ll have to see them at.

But let me just say this…between my brother’s family and my sister with her wild bratty children, there isn’t a day in my life when I don’t wake up and thank God I live 2000 miles way.

That’s all. :slight_smile:

Sometimes I feel like the last person in the world who means it when I say I’m going to do something. What is this all about? We’re sending our daughter out to visit for a week, then at the last minute we’re not? This is what passes for manners these days? I would be disappointed and mad too. I wonder if it occurred to Sharon and Rachael that you would have to make some effort to have a houseguest for a week, and that cancelling at the last minute probably means that any effort you have already made is wasted. What a self-absorbed, oblivious world we live in.