Discussion thread for the "Polls only" thread (Part 1)

I’ve used most of the terms in the thread, but to this day, my favorite remains a quote that I probably saw here the first time.

“The Lord yeeteth and the Lord yoinketh away.”

Although I really do love it when it’s used to describe how Jedi/Sith in Star Wars hurl items and/or people with the force. For example, in a relatively recent Star Wars Computer game, when Vander casually yeets a skilled Jedi into lava with all the effort and drama of someone tossing a plastic cup into the trash.

I put that I have never been to Disneyland or Disneyworld but that is not 100% accurate: we drove around the area where the Disneyworld complex is and gazed at its immensely from the highway but never went inside of any of the park thingies.

Wow, it couldn’t be much closer.

At this moment “parse” has 38 votes, “behoove” has 37, and “kerfuffle” has 37.

And lookit poor “jawn” – nary a vote.


This was my introduction to “yeet”:

Re: past relationships, and where/how we met.

  • Long-term girlfriend #1: a member of our Dungeons & Dragons group brought her along to a game one day, and she started playing with us.

  • Long-term girlfriend #2: I met her in college; she lived in the same dorm as me, and we met at a “get to know you” event for residents of that dorm house on move-in day. It was her first day of college, and the first day of my junior year.


I might say “quarter to eleven,” so I voted that, but almost always I refer to the time simply in hours and minutes. And I don’t think I have ever once in my life said “quarter of.”

I’ve said it just once.

Spouse: What are you going to do, eat half of that extra-large pizza?

Me: Quarter of.


“Quarter 'till eleven.”


Yeah, I’d be most likely to say “ten forty-five.”

I’ve heard of a bunch of those words, I just don’t use them. I never heard of yeeting before now, though. Looking back, I guess Mr. Incredible yeeted his wife!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXoM0jaDT5k

I picked eight songs before I realized there was a limit.

A quarter to 11 is 10:45.
A quarter of 11 is 2.75.

“We Built This City.” Very likely my least-favorite rock/pop song of all time.

As far as I know I’ve never been to a restaurant on any of those lists. I’m not 100% sure.

10:45. “Quarter of” just leads to confusion and inaccuracy.

The correct answer would be to vote for “We Built This City” 3 times.

It is, yes, none too good, but is still mega-parsecs beyond anything Steve Miller ever did.

I am surprised that so far I’m the only one who’s been to a Bib Gourmand restaurant. I wonder if it’s because they’re not “fancy” like the other categories, so if you don’t follow restaurant reviews you might not even be aware that the place you ate is in the Michelin Guide. Frank Fat’s in Sacramento, for instance, is just a somewhat more upscale than average American Chinese restaurant. But it’s also a very high quality Chinese restaurant, which earned it the Bib Gourmand award.

Not familiar with all of the songs in EH’s poll, but I picked two. The #1 song in that category for me is “Achy Breaky Heart”, by Billy Ray Cyrus.

Looks like I’m not the only one with a bone-deep hatred of “We Built This City”!

I said I hadn’t seen it yet, but I’m off to find the spider thread right now.

As far as I can tell no one from Michelin has stepped foot in New Jersey. Quite a few in New York but I’m not likely to go to one of them.