Discussion thread for the "Polls only" thread (Part 1)

Wrestling is considered ‘sports entertainment’. Many of the moves they perform require considerable physical agility, strength, and athletic skill. So I call that sports adjacent.

Virginia definitely comes across as the most svelte/refined/genteel Confederacy state.

When someone hits a homerun at their first at bat on opening day, I always say “he’s on a pace to hit over 500 homers this year.”

Can’t argue with that! :smile:

I guess it depends on whether you have to be competing against someone for it to be a sport. I acknowledge the athletics involved, but the results are fixed ahead of time, so yeah, I’d have to say sports-adjacent.

I acknowledge that pro wrestlers are very talemted, and what they do takes skill and great physical ability.
But they’re putting on a show. It’s as much a sport as Cirque du Soleil is.

Why isn’t there a “none of the above” option on the “best Confederate state” poll?

Exactly. None of them are civilized.

I’m a car salesman, not a therapist. All I can do for the man is sell him the 10 cars he asked me for.

You can’t take my sale! My wife’s gonna leave me if I don’t start bringing in the green!

Always Be Closing.


Arkansas is polite. All them Yes 'ems are nice.

I don’t know enough about the states to name a preference.

I’d also need a definition for “civilized”. People claiming to be “civilized” often do really nasty things, including to people who they claim aren’t “civilized” but who appear to me to be behaving better than the “civilized” ones.

And I think I’d set up the sale, but come up with some reason why I couldn’t finalize it for at least a couple of days, to give the guy a chance to think it over. Partly because it seems right – I’m not his therapist and shouldn’t be saying ‘you’re manic, you can’t do this’ but that sort of sale does seem like it should have a cooling-off period – and partly because this is, apparently, a very good long-term customer and I don’t want him to wake up tomorrow pissed off at me.

Cars - Not going to do it. Since I know the party well enough to know they are not only medically diagnosed, but well enough to be able to identify the actual phase, I’m pretty damn sure that if I was sued by said party after the fact, or the dealership I worked for was (similar to selling to a drunk / high / etc customer) that it would come back on me hard. Sure, the other party might not WIN the case, but it would make me and the dealership look really, really bad the moment it showed up in the news.

Not worth it. Although before absolutely rejecting, I’d probably run it by the dealership management, with my reasons, because if I don’t sell the 10, someone else might, with the same repercussions. In which case I might go for a scenario similar to @thorny_locust where we go through the motions but put a ‘pause’ just in case.

My aunt was manic depressive. She bought a car once in a manic moment, and her family was able to get the sale undone, on grounds of insanity.

True story.

Wrestling is real but scripted. If its scripted it can’t be a sport.

If you were a bartender, would you sell an already-drunk alcoholic ten drinks?

Would that mean that Olympic “sports” which involve performing pre-planned routines, like figure skating or gymnastics, aren’t sports either? If so, I can live with that, but not everyone would agree.

I find it implausible that the car salesman knows the mental health of the customer well enough for that to impact his actions. It’s much easier for a bartender to know who is drunk.

A guy I know sold cars for awhile. His mother-in-law needed a car and he said it was impossible not to cheat her a bit. I’d sell the guy his ten cars and convince him to go for the TruCoat and upgraded floor mats.