Disgusting Pigs in Bathrooms

The Urinal Thread got me to thinking about my pet peeve. No, wait, it’s not a damn “pet peeve,” it’s something that bothers the crap out of me, almost literally. Here’s the situation:

I go to the men’s room at work, in an office building populated mostly by professional service firms, and when I need to crap, the toilet seats are all filthy, some with piss on them, others with unflushed shit and piss, and still others with toilet paper and/or those paper toilet seat covers draped over part or all of the bowl.

WTF is wrong with people? How do you take a dump and then not make sure to wipe off the seat for the next guy, and flush the god damn toilet!? I’m sure the ladies rooms are just as bad (maybe worse), so I’d like to hear from the SD ladies as well as the men about this disgusting situation. I’d especially like to hear from some “offenders” out there–although I doubt anyone will come forward and say, “Oh yeah, that’s me, I never bother flushing the toilet and so what if I piss all over the seat!”

In the mens’ room at the meals on wheels center, they have taken to laying down what appears to be a super-sized adult diaper under the urinal to catch the airbursts, rimshots, etc. For some reason it’s far more disgusting than just wetness on the floor. I agree with the OP: people are disgusting when not in their own homes.

Some of it may be the germophobes. They are afraid to touch the toilet seat, so they squat above it, and they won’t touch the flush handle for the same reason.

Trust me, it’s just as bad in the ladies’ room. I have been in public restrooms where every toilet has been the victim of a “hoverer” who wouldn’t dare rest her immaculate buttocks on the filthy ol’ toilet seat, but has no problem spraying it like a dog marking a lamppost.

I just don’t understand why they can’t carry a pack of those paper toilet seat covers (or USE the damn things when there’s a dispenser mounted right in the stall!) or even toilet paper to cover the seat, or at least be considerate enough to wipe the damn seat afterwards.

When I was in college, in one of the buildings a note was taped over the toilet paper in every stall of every ladies’ room which stated, “If you do not intend to sit please wipe the seat so the rest of us do not have to sit in your urine.” Obviously someone got (sorry) pissed off one time too many

maybe so, but I wish they would pul-LEEZ just give it a swipe with a wad of TP and maybe use a paper towel to touch the handle. Or use the “foot flush” technique.

I thought this was going to be about this type of bathroom.

Oh, now you’ve done it…

What’s wrong with operating the flush lever with your foot?

I do the “foot flush”, but only out of habit – my mother taught me to do that when I was a kid, and I just do it without even thinking about it. shrugs It’s not a germ thing.
As for the ladies room, we have the added delight of used menstrual products lying around.

To some, you’d be a better person if you used that foot to kick an infant. They’ll be along shortly…

I assume because you’re standing in piss and they’re going to use their hands.

You know how much piss and shit a typical infant contains? Much less the blood and tissue!

We get this, too, at the university where i work.

It seems, as far as i can tell, that there is a sizable minority of the male population that refuses to urinate in a urinal. I have, on many occasions, seen guys at my university go into the stalls for the sole purpose of urination. You can see the tops of their heads over the top of the stalls; they just go in, urinate, and come out again. And it seems that a considerable portion of them don’t bother to put the bottom portion of the seat up before doing so, meaning that they splatter piss all over where the next person has to sit.

I’ve been quite perplexed by this for some time. I’ve never before lived among a population where some men were (apparently) too shy to use a urinal. And it’s not as if our urinals are designed in such a way as to unduly expose your penis while you’re peeing; there are actually barriers between each urinal so that, even if the guy next to you wanted to look at your cock, he wouldn’t be able to do it.

If I were a guy I would use a urinal because I would not want to touch the nasty public toilet seat to lift it up.

You know what I hate? Yellow pee spots on the seat, and then you try to wipe them off with toilet paper and they are dried on. Or MOSTLY dried and kind of gelatinous.

I have posted my short tale of woe in similar threads, but in the name of saving someone else the same shameful disaster I went through…

I used to kick the handles on toilets/urinals for years.
Then, one fine afternoon in the “head” on board the U.S.S. Nimitz, I finished my business and dutifully flushed. The valve stuck open, leaving the urinal in a permanent flush mode.

I decided that a swift kick to the valve would un-stick it. Poor judgment on my part. The valve broke off at the pipe and I was immediately struck in the chest by a two-inch wide jet of seawater straight from Puget Sound :eek:. They use “firemain” water for toilets on ships, at 150psi (much more than typical homes), so we’re talking about a solid powerful jet of water shooting horizontal across the bathroom to the other wall.

The water began to collect. Within mere seconds, it seemed that there were two inches of water on the floor.

I quickly left the bathroom, like a coward, as one does when a toilet overflows.

Moments later, I realized that this was probably more serious than an overflowed toilet, and my conscience made me call the emergency number and announce “flooding”.

How awful. They got on the PA system, announcing “Flooding, flooding in compartment x-y-z, blah blah blah.” Shortly thereafter a gang of folks came, loaded for bear, ready to handle my unintentional flood. I did not linger at the scene of the crime.
Don’t kick urinal handles. If one must use the toe, do it gingerly, keeping in mind that there exist booby traps in this world in the guise of urinals, with weak pipe connections.

(Of course, most opponents to the toe-tap maneuver have other reasons for their displeasure)

More and more I think the day of Big Brother will be a good thing. Camera’s everywhere. Nobody getting away with shit because you can’t prove it. No he said / she said / we said / they said / testimony not remotely related to reality crap.

And, I hope the revolution of Big Brother STARTS in the damn bathrooms.

Could be worse—you could have a co-worker with a prehensile rectum.

I’m quite convinced that people who are pigs in bathrooms, shared kitchens, etc., are also very much pigs at home. A few of the messy people I’ve had the pleasure to work with, have had correspondingly messy homes when I’ve visited. I use that as my anecdotal evidence.

I use the foot-flush in public bathrooms all the time. I guess the key word is “foot.” I’ve never kicked it or kicked at it, that would be, well, not very smart! I use the same force that my hand would, if I were to use my hand.

Women’s bathrooms, I think, are much worse. There’s menstrual blood and the accoutrements that go along with that.

One thing I like about airport bathrooms - the automatic seat-condoms!

This past Christmas, my 96yo grandmother caught my sister in law hovering; according to my mother’s report, Grandma said (loudly enough to be heard all through the flat, she’s deaf as a doorpost) “my God, I never thought I’d see something filthier than my husband, may he rot in Hell! Is there something wrong with your hips, girl?”

The aforementioned husband had hygienic habits better left undescribed, regarding his colostomy bag - and the sister in law is a doctor. I know that sometimes when I go at Mom’s I begin by giving the toilet a cleanup, but hovering? I don’t know about SiL’s hips, but there is something definitely wrong with the woman’s head.

Apparently ‘stage fright’ is relatively common, and not necessarily directly linked to cock-related shyness. I think it’s more of a subconcious thing, certainly the person I know who has it is otherwise very out-going and confident.

It’s still no excuse for pissing on the seat though.