I pay an extra 5 bucks a month ,year round for access to Fox Sports ,which carries the Tiger baseball games. I was flipping around to see what time time the game started. They are using the channel to show a hockey game. To see the baseball game I need Fox Plus. I have never heard of Fox Plus but apparently i don’t have it. When I agreed to the 5 a month ,it was sold to me as the channel that carried the baseball games. Pricks
Sounds like Fox made the change, not DISH. Is it the same channel? If so, the channel is there but Fox is not showing it on that one and is using another. So you need to get that channel and if it was not in your original group, well, Bob’s your Uncle.
Of course it probably just a ploy to get more $$$$…
Also, you can’t watch any Fox channel for any reason if you want to belong to the SDMB. It is not allowed. The hate for Fox is one of the strongest glues that holds the SDMB together.
Don’t get over to Cafe Society much, do we?
There are lots of Fox watchers in general on the site. Can’t bitch about what you don’t see.
Y’know, that old “any criticism equals hatred” attitude is soooo last administration.:rolleyes:
No, it’s Fox *News *that we hate. Their entertainment is often innovative and generally untainted (e.g. Bones, Family Guy, the Simpsons).
I reserve the right to add any Jim Rome fan to my ignore list, however. Fuck that guy.
Is this Dish Network or Directv? A subtle, yet important distinction.
Rome? Really? I’m not a clone but I am a fan, even though I can only listen when I’m off work. Some of his shtick gets tiring, but I’ve heard him do plenty of fine interviews and will regret being on your ignore list. (Yeah, as if I post enough to even blip your radar. )
And fuck Fox sports if for no other reason than subjecting us to Tim McCarver. Although McCarver is Superman/Gandhi/Barack Obama when compared to ESPN’s Joe Morgan.
Boom! Out of here!
The GOPpers were doing this same oppressed minority shtick back when they controlled pretty much the whole country. It was just sad back then. Now that they’re oppressing one of their own minorities, the Palin Pals, it seems a little sinister. (Incidentally, the party’s oppression of the Palin Posse successfully turned the Free Republic against Fox News. You might want to update your talking points now that the non-aggression pact has been broken.)
I never had Fox News on my available list until a couple months ago. Those people are crazy. Dish takes away my baseball and gives me Fox gnus. Lucky me.
Thread I started entitled “Why Jim Rome Sucks”: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=408571&highlight=rome
Have you called them about this? I have DTV and had paid for the Full Court package so that I could watch all the NCAA first and second round games. When it didn’t let me I called and the problem was fixed in a minute. That whole “never attribute to malice what incompetence can explain” thing…
I have had it for a couple years. The channel they open for it is 430, up in rare channel land. I turned to it and got hockey. If it were a playoff game I would not bitch. But the station has shown Tiger games the last 2 years. That was the agreement when I agreed to pay. Now they change it.
I find it most interesting that sarcasm about SDMB and FOX brought so many serious replies.
Then I looked again at who took it seriously.
It’s ok to make jokes on the SDMB. You just can’t make jokes that might, in some vague way, threaten the libbies or praise their self-determined enemies.
As much as I hate Dish it may not be their fault. The channel is owned by Fox sports they can change the programming without Dish’s consent. Dish pays Fox to show the channel but has no control over what Fox shows. Talk to a customer rep. if you where sold the service and now aren’t getting it you can get a refund and often a freebie thrown in, or at least you could if you were a Directv cust, I would hope Dish would offer the same.
If it’s your regional Fox sports channel and Dish charge’s you $5 for it then yes they are evil.
My god, conservatives are whiny little bitches.
Now baaaaw for me, monkey. Baaaw like the little toddler you are.
Somehow I feel like every post in this thread has been a woosh (except for the Jim Rome hate–I can’t stand that fucker).
I have never dripped with sincerity as I dripped while posting that.
Fox Plus is just a catchall name for channels that handle overflow from the regular RSNs (=Regional Sports Network, i.e. Fox Sports Detroit). On Dish, they’re channels 441-453.
Next time this happens, check that channel range.