I Pit damuriajashi and DemonTree

Demontree, from here and here:

I object to Twitter or Google deciding what’s true or false, or right and good, even more than to the government doing it. At least people get to vote for the government. And as for finding a different platform, we’ve seen how hollow that option is with the demise of Parler.

Well, except for StrmFrnt, Gab, MeWe, Rumble, VDARE, Telegram, and a million other places to share your vile opinions with like-minded simpletons. That ignores that fact that you can always start your own site called “JustAskingTransphobicAndRacistQuestionsButDefinitelyNotRacistOrTransphobicDotCom.” and also that Parler is back online again.

It is only when one platform dominates the conversation, or a few do but all push the same message, that it becomes an issue.

Why is it that only the bigots among us believe they deserve an audience?